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IN expression in a Criteria Query

problem is with Criteria Language. This code: In<Employee> inExpression =; for (Long id : emplIds) { Employee e = new ... ? Actually there are several JPA features that are currently not supported by ObjectDB. They are listed in

Embedded in JDO metadata not working in objectDB 2.x ?

Hi, I am using JDO access to the database with the persistence defined in package.jdo XML metadata files. In those metadata files I have few persistence-capable classes which had extents in ObjectDB 1 (with an OID for every instance) and all other classes were embedded

Difference performance in ObjectDB Explorer and in java project

that are executed in  ObjectDB Explorer are faster (about 5 ms) than queries in my project (~400 ms ... >Queries are executed in the Explorer in a special lazy mode, which is faster in returning the results ... ? Performance is better, but still not the same 1000 ms in my project and about 300 ms in explorer

DB reading fails in debug mode in Eclipse

which I am storing as values in a HashMap of another entity in the DB. in the DB. My application works fine with them up to I try to launch it in debug mode in eclipse. Upon reading it in debug mode I got this exception:

Accessiblity of attributes in entities in several OSGi-Bundles

to solve this issue. There are three entities in two OSGi-Bundles and we execute importRequirements() in RequirementServiceImpl: btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems In another use case

Using Enum type in NamedQuery: Field is not found in type

I'm trying to switch an application that worked fine in Hibernate to ObjectDB ... > that is stored in an @Enumerated member variable private Type type ... this field in the following JPA Named Query @NamedQuery(name

Fields in objects not populated in query result.

point in the past, but may have been a victim of an objectDB upgrade. dhosek Don Hosek A possible reason could be a partial enhancement. ObjectDB can populate fields in both enhancement mode and reflection mode but mixing modes is not supported and if some classes in the hierarchy

how to create in memery database in objectdb

plz can u give or help me how to create in memory database in objectdb   with example yadavanil anil yadav See answer in this forum thread (also use that other thread for further discussion). support Support

Error in reading Enum in JPA - Failed to read using reflection

Error in reading Enum in JPA - Failed to read using reflection

A bug in the JDOQL processor in recent versions of ObjectDB

There seems to be a bug in the JDOQL processor in recent versions of ObjectDB. I've uploaded a "laptop" example to demonstrate the problem. The query in Test1.main should return "ThinkMachine MAX SX 20", but it returns incorrect "Media Central Media 555". Earlier versions