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Handling "is null" in where clause

that there is a problem with "is null" queries. When you use "is null" in where clause, query runs correctly ... and for the useful test program. There was a bug in a query optimization that is applied to String and numeric fields, so null values in an Integer field (as defined in EntityA) were affected

SectionClassifier message in log

I'm trying to track down an issue in an application - the problem occurs around the retrieval of an object from a database the specifics are unclear at the moment. In ... will be on object insertion but in case it helps the error in the application on object retrieval is:

ObjectDB fills ListView in Java FX

in Java FX, with Data stored in a ObjectDB database.   Does ... >  Thanks in advance, Paul     paulfo ... ="/forum/1842">this old forum thread may help, or you may search for using JPA in general from

Multi part paths in a composite index must have the same length

Hi, I am trying to create some index in a DB - but I get an exception when i try to commit. Exception in thread "main" [ObjectDB 2.6.0_01] javax.persistence.PersistenceException Invalid index path 'tStamp.value / instrumentId' in type

java.lang.ClassCastException in query results

I have a simple object stored in a ObjectDb file Stadium   When i run the following code i get the ClassCastException in the "for (Stadium ... : " + result.Name + ", Capacity: " + result.Capacity + ", City: " + result.City); } In debug

How to pass a list in query for a list field of entity.

, Whatsapp } } I need all the agents who have active in Facebook and Twitter. what should be the query? Thanks Manoj Manoj Kumar Maharana I have used "IN ... .em.createQuery(   "Select a from Agent a where a.SocialMedias in (:so)"); qry

Intermittent Exception "Attempt to update types in read only mode"

="stacktrace"> Exception in thread "main" [ObjectDB 2.4.1_06] javax.persistence.PersistenceException Attempt to update types in read only mode (error 614) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMF ... : Attempt to update types in read only mode at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d(

message: RetrievalTask in log

we have this message in the log: ... [2019-03-01 11:53:40 #5 store]  RetrievalTask ... is written in addition to throwing an exception. Do you see that exception in the log? Maybe ... entry. support Support unfortunately there is no exception in the log, we'll check

How to check what is taking most space in DB file

to expose it in the Explorer, so following your request we will try to implement it the Explorer (on the Schema tab) about the space in bytes that each entity ... is currently available only when the Explorer runs in embedded mode. support Support Thank

Unable to stop server after starting in SSL mode

ObjectDB server starts & stops fine in non-SSL mode using start & stop shell scripts. ObjectDB server starts fine in SSL mode using start script but throws error ... should be enabled also in the ObjectDB configuration that is used by the STOP command, and in