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explorer locks local database in readonly mode

in explorer. my problem, i have to close the explorer before every run, and open ... the database in readonly mode, but the file will be locked by the explorer process. in a very high priority and version 2.3

Performance issue in a query due to compareTo calls

>is very slow in comparing to the query: SELECT v FROM Values v ... put operations are more expensive as the add operations //per index in the list ... .stepNumber is invalid as only data in a single entity can be indexed and this index requires

How to use regular expressions in Criteria Builder

with two classes. The TempPhysicalPartDetails class is embedded in the in 802. They would pass the expression *802.  I just can't figure out where this would be in the criteria builder. {    

Possible Bug in MEMBER OF

Hello! I maybe found another bug in version 2.3.3. I'll send you a test DB via support ticket. Try the following query in explorer: In my opinion the result should be Unit#4004

JPA JPQL WHERE clause for IN :variable not working if variable is a list of Enums

from MyEntity o WHERE (enumField IN :enumFieldList)" And enum field is defined in ... > Then the matching objects are returned.   I understood the JPA JPQL IN clause ... ;          "SELECT o FROM MyEntity o WHERE (enumField IN

Entity object parameter in Explorer parameter

Hello, I cannot set an entity object in a parameter for a bulk update in the explorer query execution. The format Entity#001 works well for the parameter in the WHERE clause, but it doesn't work in the SET clause. For example, in the query:

ID format in objectdb 2.x for JDOHelper.getObjectId

and configured as per object db tuotrial. I am just wondering, in objectdb 1.x, when i am tring ... in object db 2.x, i am getting Object obj = JDOHelper.getObjectId(logTestRunImpl) Can you please let me know if there is any change in the JDOHelper

Concerning coding style of the example in the posting instructions

(This forum item was spawned from discussions in a private helpdesk ticket.) I write with reference to the coding example in the posting instructions and many of your other examples posted in the forums. While I appreciate

Deploy ObjectDB in WildFly 10

Hi, I'm currently evaluating ObjectDB and try to deploy my project in WildFly 10. I've installed ObjectDB in the modules directory and added a persistence.xml ... ] MSC000001: Failed to start service jboss.deployment.unit."omd-in-memory-db.jar".FIRST_MODULE_USE

Issue with TYPE expression in Criteria API

($1)=class com.test.model.Customer Exception in thread "main" [ObjectDB 2.3.4_03] javax.persistence ... you for this bug report. In the future, please submit tests using a single file format (when applicable) as explained in the posting instructions. For example