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ObjectDB Enhancer Tool in Java 9

location by looking at its objectdb.jar location, which is not valid in a Java module environment. in thread "main" java.lang ... configuration in 'internal' - Check permissions. at com.objectdb/com.objectdb.o.MSG.d(

removed objects stay with null field values in the reference

an object that is in this relationship (workflow), the object stays in the relationship with all fields ... Zwicker You have to remove the object from the set explicitly, in addition ... > after the deleting or removing of the object at least a kind of invalidated remaining sceleton is still in

Failing to read entities under load in multithreaded tests

Hi, We are experiencing an issue in our application that only occurs ... entities listed below. When I run a load test that creates, reads and updates these entities in ... for a unique query" error. The error occurs in 2-3% of iterations. When I run the same test in

@SequenceGenerator and single id in whole database

>. I have separate @SequenceGenerator in each of my model enitities ... to use separate generators for each entity, so that each entity uses its own sequence just like in ... values), and attaching these generators to @Id fields in different

Entity with java.util.Date column gives ClassCastException in BIRT

(Reporting) and stored it in ObjectDB 2.5.3_02. After creating an ObjectDB BIRT DataSource and a DataSet ... ) ... 21 more   I'd rather not use java.sql.Timestamp in my entity classes. Is this a bug in ObjectDB or BIRT or is there an error in my entity class? martijnvt

Drop in Client/server mode not working

Hi, can't seem to get drop to work in c/s mode: version: objectdb ... > I confirmed this with my code. In my view, this is a bug in the drop feature ... > dmoshal David Moshal Drop is possible only for a database that is currently not open and in use

Object as parameter results in exception

a parameter is also recommended for the primary key. In the current form the primary key is used as ... #parameters_in_criteria_queries">parameters. Running the query by using the same ... see the value in not having to repeatedly execute the Criteria definitions. So ObjectDB would indeed cache

remove & persist in same transaction => Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value

Hello Support, in our configuration (FlushModeType.AUTO) is the execution ... >   Now we got the problem that we try to do two thinks in the same transaction:in the order they are pushed to the context or is it a BUG? btc_es BTC

JDO @Index in JPA?

to make use of indexing, which I know that it's not available in JPA, but ObjectDB works with JDO as well. Question1: will adding JDO @Index in a JPA entity have any effect or I ... when there is already data in the database? Or do I have to delete the previous data and start

@Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) annotation inhibits proper execution of IN expressions.

>@Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) Queries using JPQL IN expressions on this field won't work correctly anymore. This issue has been described in forum post 1254 (JPA JPQL WHERE clause for IN :variable not working if variable is a list of Enums).