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Can't modify @EmbeddedId in ObjectDB Explorer

through its parent neither. Scenario: open db in ObjectDB Explorer, open entity Journal, expand ... support modifying object IDs, not just in the Explorer, but by the application as well. You set ... in object oriented databases. Because object Ids are used in references between objects, the ability

How to apply constraints in collection attributes of entity.

How to apply constraints like unique, not null ...etc in collection attribute ... > in above example i wants to implement unique and notnull constraints on PhoneNumbers, means ... #single_field_index">Unique annotation. For other constraints you can check objects in

Is named-query supported in orm.xml

I prefer to keep custom JPQL named queries in an external file, e.g. orm.xml, rather than in the entity classes, for example: <named-query name ... , probably because of the location of the named-query element in the XML file

Entity Type is not found (error 301) in Query

, HibernateJAP, EclipseLink For ObjectDB there is one query in following method ... > This behaviour is very strange, because in the same method - other workflow - the query works with the simple ... class is not in the database yet (no instances of that class have been persisted

Persist not working when ObjectDB and another db is used in the same application (through spring) with different tx managers

and another db is used in the same application (through spring) with different tx managers, please find an example of this below. Any help is greatly appreciate as we are currently evaluating ObjectDB to use in ... "> @Transactional(value ="myTxManager", readOnly = false) public void addObject() { ... } In

Retrieve data of all entity classes in a single query

I have in an objectdb file 10 Entity Classes with some data in each (Athlete, Trainer ... and retrieve fields in a generic way using Java reflection. support Support Thanks for your answers So in case I don't have the java classes declarations and I only have an .odb file

Bug with unique constraint exception not resulting in transaction roll back

.  I'm using JPA in general. I have an EJB persisting two entities with @TransactionAttribute ... > This could happen if the operation is spread over more than one transaction. In a managed environment, in which transactions are started and committed by the application server and not

How find out ObjectDB version at runtime (in a web app)" system property of objectdb-2.6.9_02 in a Glassfish web app. Can see correct version of objectdb-2.6.9_02 in /build/web/WEB-INF/lib. It does not seem to be in the odb logs, and turning on the debug mode does not

Calendar in Criteria Querys

after another. Javas Calendar Class got such methods, but i dont know how to use those in my query. suez ... that Calendar values are stored in this example as Timestamp Exception in thread "main" [ObjectDB 2.3.4] Unexpected exception (Error 990)   Generated by Java

I can't get cascading delete to work in JDO

you for this report. Apparently cascading delete has never been implemented in ObjectDB ... ">this old documentation page). Build 2.7.5_04 implements cascading delete in JDO. Your NetBeans project was converted to a minimal test case in the required format (please use