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Wrong data stored in time only fields

This may be related to the fix for the problem described in this thread: Wrong data stored in date only fields. The object and its date and time fields are the same as in the referenced thread. Except we are using ObjectDB 2.6.4_08

Setting temp directory location in ObjectDB

(properties), JDOHelper.class.getClassLoader()); I read in the ObjectDB website ... the fileName.odb. When pm.currentTransaction().begin(); hits it creates a .$fileName.obd$ file in the same ... so that $fileName.obd$ will be created in some different folder. Please let me know the solution.

Best practice: Database update/migration of embedded databases in products

). In each version, the entities have been modified. Attributes added, removed and renamed ... user data in the ObjectDB-Database. Example: V1.0: EntityPerson{ String firstName;  ... ”; city=”Oldenburg”] How can we load the Database DB1 with the Product in Version 1.1 or 2

Is 2 level cache in use?

Hi, Is there any way to check, if 2 level cache is in use? Right now I've done two things: 1. objectdb.conf with cache size is placed in WEB-INF directory ... ; </properties> But after few benchmarks I don't really see any difference in

Strange behaviour with ORDER BY and IN

isn't executed as it should be (and usually is, except in this special combination-case). IN-clause. Filtering with IN-clause or ordering ... ;    System.out.println("Locations without selection criterion in descending order (by

Visibility of changes in Transaction is not visible to a JPA QL Query

that I add in the transaction are not visible when I go to count them; in the EJB project ( this was the only way I could get things ... on Windows Server 2008 SP2 32bit. I have not added any objectdb jars  in any other location apart

Path in tomcat

should be in? And the .odb? When I debug the Eclipse web project, I export ... should be in? And the .odb? See explanations about ObjectDB home and configuration path in the manual. Notice that the database file can be at any

new objects not available in mappedBy associations

Employee, won't result in this object being available in the same transaction: ie: This seems to be the normal behavior - according to JPA the application has to update both sides in order to have a synchronized bi-directional relationship. In practice, however, the mapped

java 8 LocalDateTime is not working in query

entities and I'm able to query without datetime field in where clause, but with datetime in where clause ... quite working: In JPA you can use the @Convert annotation in order to translate ... >You are right. If you can provide a small single top level class example (in

Unexpected Query Token / Casting in Query

.routingNumber) LIKE UPPER('%28%') results in the error in the same error so it's not because of the upper ... Adam I fixed some issue in ObjectDB in navigation after casting. Then I had to add