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Deploying objectdb.jar to karaf 4.0.7 seems to fail

> 2016-12-02 13:07:24,430 | INFO  | raf-4.0.7/deploy | fileinstall     ... -12-02 13:07:24,453 | INFO  | raf-4.0.7/deploy | fileinstall      

Log is almost empty (log level 'trace')

messages, some query.compiler info but nothing more..  Is that right ... . support Support Build 2.4.6_10 adds simple logging of starting/stopping the server (at INFO level). support Support

Can I Disable the Creation of the "log" Directory?

;logger name="*" level="info" /> </general> </objectdb>  

Too many objects for this ObjectDB Edition

Hi, I have been encountering an error when my odb file is larger than 512kb "Too many objects for this ObjectDB Edition." I haven't been able to find any info about this online and was wondering if anyone has encountered a similar problem. I

Trouble viewing db in Explorer.

> Let me know if you need more info Thanks Brian  

Deadlock in objectdb code

to the configuration file: <logger name="type.registry" level="info" /> or, use

Feedback on new site

Font size on new site is huge! This is especially a problem when browsing the api.   dmoshal David Moshal Difficult to find info on ODB1, including api javadocs. dmoshal David Moshal Thank you for your useful comments.

Query fails with failed to read

that will write the stack trace and maybe more info to the log, if you can replace the ObjectDB jar ... with new logging info for this issue (logger "store.file", level fatal, so probably no need

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on flush

> Unfortunately the additional stack traces do not provide more info and replaying the recorded transactions

ObjectDB for .NET (C# / VB)

. support Support Is there any further info on this request? I for one would love