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ObjectDB Manual

Hello, I would like to be able to read or refer to the ObjectDB manual (v2) on my Kindle. Unfortunately, I didn't find any option to download the manual, either as a .pdf ... the manual available for offline reading? Very best regards,

JDO manual

Request for a new JDO manual, covering ODB 2. dmoshal David Moshal Please subscribe to the ObjectDB 2 JDO Manual issue. Because writing a new manual and then maintaining two similar manuals, one for JPA and the other for JDO requires

Should derived fields of an EmbeddedId be manually maintained by app code?

without manual maintenance of derived fields in @EmbeddedId classes... import

ObjectDB 2 JDO Manual

The new ObjectDB Manual describes how to use ObjectDB 2 with JPA. An additional manual that focuses on using ObjectDB 2 with JDO can help JDO users. But since writing a new manual and then maintaining two similar manuals, one for JPA and the other for JDO requires

ObjectDB 1.0 Manual

introduce ObjectDB: manual/chapter1">Chapter 1 ... /manual/chapter2">Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour Demonstrates basic database programming using ... with ObjectDB and JDO: manual/chapter3">Chapter 3 - Persistent

Typo in ObjectDB 1.0 Manual

Support > Knowledge Base > ObjectDB 1.0 Manual > Chapter 7 "JDOQL Queries" > Section 7.2 "Query Filter Syntax" > Subsection "Fields" > Second to last sentence   CBE CBE Great job creating this manual.  It is very good

probable error in text of manual about embeddable classes

probable error in text of manual about embeddable classes

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

="/database/jdo/manual/chapter3">chapter 3). Only the call to makePersistent(manual/chapter3#persistent_fields_and_types">section 3.2 ... . This behavior can be changed as explained in manual/chapter4#metadata

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

="/database/jdo/manual/chapter6#retrieving_persistent_objects">section 6.3. If such an , but both terms are equivalent. manual/chapter3">Chapter 3 is dedicated ... ="/database/jdo/manual/chapter4">chapter 4, which is devoted to JDO metadata.

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

="/database/jdo/manual/chapter6">chapter 6). The "Query" window enables a user to execute JDOQL ... , variables, ordering and imports (manual/chapter7">chapter 7 explains ... command). Notice that JDO metadata for the class (as discussed in manual