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1-50 of 91 resultsDatabase Connection using JPA;properties.put("javax.persistence.jdbc. password ", "admin"); EntityManagerFactory emf ... part of an ObjectDB connection URL: user - for specifying a username in client server mode. password - for specifying a user password in client server mode. drop - for deleting any existing database | |
Database Replication and Clustering above, a full URL has to be specified including user and password attributes. The slave server uses ... = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory( "objectdb://localhost:6000/my.odb;user=a; password ... ; password =b"); The above URL specifies the location of the slave server on port 6001 as well as | |
Password Protect Database File the data without some kind of password ? I would imagine accessing the database from java could just ... for a password for encrypted odb files. ThreaT Ashton Hogan The way to keep an ObjectDB database ... . This could be avoided if there was a password string in a java class (not in an xml/json/txt | |
ObjectDB Explorer Exposes Username and Password How can I prevent my embedded database's username and password from being exposed by ObjectDB Explorer? billdotnet Bill See url-history setting and the user and password attributes. support Support ... and password would again be exposed. My ultimate question is, under any circumstances, how do I prevent | |
Password in Embedded Mode?, such that it is locked with a password . Thereby making it impossible to use ObjectDB to access the contents of the file without providing the correct password when obtaining a connection. In my case, I'm interested in obtaining a JPA connection: Map map = new HashMap (); map.put("blah.blah. password | |
does ObjectDB / JPA support simple password field encryption of an entity class? We are persisting certain passwords entered by user in a form binded with an entity. Is there any direct ObjectDB support to just encrypt the password field? We would like to either encrypt or make it unreadble when object DB database file is opened. There are many standard Password based | |
Login Error (bad username 'admin' or password)._PersistenceException: Login Error (bad username 'admin' or password )] with root cause com.objectdb.o.UserException: Login Error (bad username 'admin' or password ) at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d( at com ... .10.10.14/test.odb; user=admin; password =admin") And my objectdb.conf is attached. It works fine | |
SSL Configuration from any machine as long as a valid username and password are provided. If authenticating  ... to the file, and password , which specifies a password that is needed in order to use the file. Usually ... . createEntityManagerFactory ( "objectdbs://localhost/myDbFile.odb;user=admin; password =admin"); | |
Server User List The configuration element lists the users that are allowed to access the ObjectDB Server and specifies their specific settings (username, password , permissions, quota). The default configuration ... : The required username and password attributes specify a username and a password | |
General Settings and Logging with URLs (in client server mode). The password attribute specifies if passwords should also be saved with URLs. Saving username and password with the URL makes accessing recently used databases in | |
BIRT/ODA ObjectDB Driver://localhost/points.odb;user=admin; password =admin ). Click the Finish button to complete the creation | |
JPA Persistence Unit properties. JPA 2 defines standard properties for specifying database url, username and password , as | |
Database Explorer select File Open C/S Connection... and provide host, port, username and password for a client | |
openejb jpa jaas module String username; private char[] password ; private Map options; /** * User. */ protected String login; /** * Password . */ protected String pass; private boolean succeeded; private UserInfo info ... . password ", options.get(" password ") ); //objectdb://localhost:6136/myDbFile.odb entityManagerFactory | |
EntityManagerFactory Fails To Swtich Over To Slave When Master Is Unavailable; password = password Thank you in advance. [ObjectDB 2.5.0_04] javax.persistence.PersistenceException Failed ... ("objectdb://;user=admin; password = password |" + "objectdb://;user=admin; password = password ");   | |
[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server may also be used by multi user applications (such as web applications) where the same username and password ... and password attributes specify a username and a password to be used when connecting to the server ... and allow connections from any machine, as long as valid username and password are provided | |
multi EntityManager with Spring Boot, but 'Too many persistable types (>10); @Value("${javax.persistence.jdbc. password }") private String password ; @Value("${javax.persistence ... .jdbc.user",user); props.put("javax.persistence.jdbc. password ", password ); entityManagerFactoryBean ... .persistence.jdbc2.user}") private String user; @Value("${javax.persistence.jdbc2. password }") private | |
Spring Data JPA._PersistenceException: Login Error (bad username 'anonymous' or password ) at org.springframework.beans ... ) Caused by: com.objectdb.o._PersistenceException: Login Error (bad username 'anonymous' or password ... : Login Error (bad username 'anonymous' or password ) at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d( at com.objectdb | |
How to change properties in urls2.xml? see it exists a file name "urls2.xml". /var/lib/tomcat7/db/myDb.odb;user=admin; password =admin objectdb://;user=$code; password =a2e54ea3-d889-41a7-953c-dabc42877742 This file is autogenerated by objectdb. And it describes the locals databases url and their port / user / password | |
Find the error...JPA ENTITY HIBERNATE String username; @Column(name = " password ") private String password ; @Column(name = "email") private ... getPassword() { return password ; } public void setPassword(String password ) { this. password = password ; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(String email | |
[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections checking. Username and password are optional in a client server connection only when the server configuration allows anonymous access to the database. If not specified here, username and password ... .getConnectionUserName()); // No getter for the password because of security considerations | |
Replication error - parsing objectdb config=admin; password =admin is unavaliable (error 538) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMF.createEntityManager( ... ;user=admin; password =admin is unavaliable at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d( at com.objectdb.o.SMR ... :6136/TestReplication.odb;user=admin; password =admin"); EntityManagerFactory replicatedEmf | |
Replication issue, Replayer failing due to NullPointerException.; password = password " The master is working 100% fine with: "objectdb://master:2122/x.odb;user=backend; password = password " and the above config. I was expecting I should be able to point that slave | |
Can't post on your forum). We had to change your password so please set your password again. We received a similar report from another user and apparently after a similar action of changing his password the problem was solved ... still can't get it to work with the new password . I tried in Chrome and Firefox. I tried in incognito | |
PersistenceManagerFactory.getPersistenceManager(userid,password) - JDO Method; String userid, String password ) Get an instance ... and password are used when obtaining datastore connections from the connection pool. After the first use ... for the connection password - the password for the connection Return: a PersistenceManager instance with default options. Since: JDO 1.0 | |
PersistenceManagerFactory.setConnectionPassword(password) - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory void setConnectionPassword ( String password ) Set the password for the data store connection. Parameters: password - the password for the data store connection. Since: JDO 1.0 | |
Step 3: Create an ObjectDB Data Source-server (e.g. objectdb://localhost/points.odb;user=admin; password =admin ). You may click | |
JSON serialization and __odbHidden members getters/setters (auto-generated) The LoginInfo class contains just 2 fields (String eMail & password ... ; "eMail": "[email protected]", " password ": "somepass"   ... @bar.fb", " password ": "somepass" },   | |
Problem connecting to the replicated;user=slaveUserName; password =slavePassword; I ... try to specify a username/ password for the master server. support Support Hi I have tried that, when I do that it will say "Login Error (bad username 'masterUserName' or password ) (error 575)" Trianglehead Json Error | |
client server mod of communication.createEntityManagerFactory("objectdb://localhost:6137/settercode.odb;user=admin; password =admin"); 2 ... /settercode.mem;user=admin; password =admin"); i do not want to first one, i want second ... / myclienttest.mem;user=admin; password =admin"); EntityManager em = emf | |
Replication Question.createEntityManagerFactory( "objectdb://localhost:6000/my.odb;user=a; password =a|" + "objectdb://localhost:6001//localhost:6000/my.odb;user=b; password =b" ); Main point I want to ask: Can I conclude | |
Replicated cluster recovery:6000/test.odb;user=admin; password =admin|objectdb://localhost:6001/localhost:6000/test.odb;user=admin; password =admin and thread stack dump: SocketInputStream.socketRead0(FileDescriptor, byte | |
Bulk Delete and Update - best practice?/testDrop.tmp;user=admin; password =admin"); EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); em.getMetamodel ... .createEntityManagerFactory( "objectdb://localhost/testDrop.tmp;drop;user=admin; password =admin"); em = emf | |
Get list of database files, password , false); This will return the root directory, which then can be explored further using ... ; host, port, username, password , path | |
Cannot save or update entity on Spring App, environment.getRequiredProperty("objectdb.user")); map.put(PROPERTY_NAME_JDBC_ PASSWORD , environment.getRequiredProperty("objectdb. password ")); return Collections.synchronizedMap(map); } }); Properties | |
Drop in Client/server mode not working Hi, can't seem to get drop to work in c/s mode: version : objectdb-2.3.5_04 config : url : 'objectdb://localhost/testStorage1.tmp;drop;user=admin; password =admin' suggestions? David ... ; "objectdb://localhost/testStorage1.tmp;drop;user=admin; password =admin");   | |
Error 363 - Failed to read value of inverse relationship, avatarEnabled = true; @Column(nullable = false) private String playerName, password , email; @Temporal ... ; properties.put("javax.persistence.jdbc. password ", "admin");   | |
Need disk usage and delete some old files;host, port, username, password , false); and specific directory (and possibly file) using: File dir = com.objectdb.Utilities.getServerFileSystem( host, port, username, password | |
Bug: ClassCastException by retrieval.createEntityManagerFactory("objectdb://;user=admin; password =admin"); EntityManager em = emf | |
javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named in Karaf 4.0.7 and OSGi DS test://localhost:6136/technolink.odb;user=admin; password =admin exception in the Karaf log. I have deployed | |
Explorer in 2.3 to enter a Java expression into a field. For example, suppose you have a User entity with a password | |
Connection is closed Caused by:; "objectdb://localhost/test.odb;user=admin; password =admin"); for (int i = 0; i | |
[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer the Open dialog you have to fill in the host, port, username and password of the remote connection | |
How to change properties in urls2.xml ? see it exists a file name "urls2.xml". /var/lib/tomcat7/db/myDb.odb;user=admin; password =admin objectdb://;user=$code; password =a2e54ea3-d889-41a7-953c-dabc42877742 This file is autogenerated by objectdb. And it describes the locals databases url and their port / user / password | |
Cannot activate ObjectDB. Everything was OK (I stated username, password etc), and I got the web address for activation. But opening the web ... Neumann Unfortunately there is an issue with the error message when a bad username/ password ... the log we see the real error: "Unknown username or bad password ." Please try again, and make sure | |
javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory; password ) Get an instance of PersistenceManager from this factory. The instance has default values for options. The parameters userid and password are used when obtaining datastore connections from ... . Parameters: userid - the userid for the connection password - the password for the connection Return | |
Can't open replicated database for a query (just read, no update) but it fails with the error below. The code I'm using is (user & password ... ( "objectdb://SE101388:6136//SE101352:6136/WorkflowHistory.odb;user=...; password =..."); EntityManager em | |
ObjectDB can't be activated.odb;user=admin; password =admin"); System.out.println(emf.createEntityManager().createQuery("objectdb ... ("objectdb://localhost:1234/database.odb;user=admin; password =admin"); // Check activation state | |
Can not connect to replication node/accesslog.odb;user=asli-webmapper; password =admin1"; var emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(uri ... ://;user=asli-webmapper; password =admin1 at javax | |
ODB Server tries to write a log file to a weird location We are testing client-server architecture. Our server has the following config: path = "$temp" threshold = "64mb" / inactivity-timeout = "0" / size = "0" user = "true" password = "true" / path ... = "0" / size = "0" user = "true" password |