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Server User List

and specifies their specific settings (username, password, permissions , quota). The default configuration ... : The required path attribute specifies a directory path relative to the root data directory. Permission to access a directory always includes the permission to access the whole tree of subdirectories

UserException: Invalid configuration in 'internal' - Check permissions

.UserException: Invalid configuration in 'internal' - Check permissions . : Is there any way to change such permissions . I have search unsuccesfuly. The full error is given as follows task null exception ... : Invalid configuration in 'internal' - Check permissions . at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d(

DB Files permissions

Hello, is it possible to configure default file permissions on created files? ObjectDB creates DB files with 644 linux permissions . We would need 664. This should apply also to backup files created ... the default permission settings, so you will have to change the permissions after the file is created

ObjectDB Server Connection Permissions

It would be useful if instead of creating a web service layer on top of a database, I could just set up permissions to entities and entity variables for client connections. This would be beneficial ... permissions are currently not supported so this would be a new feature request.  support Support

Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004

"Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License ... such Contributions. 6. Trademarks . This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks ... risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability . In

Server Configuration

its subdirectories can be accessed by the server. Appropriate file system permissions have to be set

Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0

this software without specific prior written permission . THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT

Chapter 6 - Configuration

file system permissions have to be set for all the paths that are specified in the configuration file (for the process that runs ObjectDB).

ObjectDB Website - Terms and Conditions of Use

applicable copyright and trade mark law. 2. Use License Permission is granted to temporarily download

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

system permissions have to be set on that directory to enable operations by the server process ... its log files. Appropriate file system permissions have to be set on that directory to enable ... . A permission to access a directory always includes a permission to access the whole tree

Add Type level permissions to ObjectDB Server

set up permissions to entities and entity variables for client connections. This would be beneficial ... . Currently this configuration supports directory and file (i.e. database) level permissions . It may be possible to add for every user also permission settings of specific entity classes. Each

Setting temp directory location in ObjectDB

locking method that is used by ObjectDB 1.x. Try running ObjectDB in a process with no permission ... ObjectDB in a process with no permission to write to the parent directory". I did not undertand ... how to do this. And if write permission permission is blocked for the parent folder, won't ObjectDB locking method

Automatic schema evolution causes ArrayOutOfBoundsException

permissions class ServiceProvider extends Entity - String name class Airline extends Entity - String name - String iata Now I changed the List to List ( Permission is an embeddable class), the fields name ... field, the schema now looks like this: class Permission (@Embedded) class Entity - List permissions

LDAP and ObjectDB

st.clair.clarke St Clair Clarke Most applications manage users and permissions in the database ... application and manage your application users and permissions using your own persistent objects in the database. The purpose of the user permissions in the configuration is mainly for managing different users

@ElementCollection of type enum

.EAGER) private Set permissions ; package x.x.x.x public enum UserPermission { BASIC, COACH, ADMIN } Use case: there are users which contain the first 2 permissions (BASIC and COACH, so the first 2 ... and COACH as permissions , now they would have BASIC and BASIC231. Conclusion: @ElementCollection

lockfiles in client/server mode

.FileNotFoundException: /tmp/ObjectDB/objectdb/1504562258.lck ( Permission denied)   have i misconfigured ... ). A better solution could be changing the permissions of the temporary directory ( /tmp/ObjectDB ) in a way ... in the configuration file to another path. Client / server permission collision in handling

Connecting to a remote objectdb server

has no permission to create files at that path. Please check also the ObjectDB log file on the server ... version of ObjectDB and extract the zip file. Make sure that everyone has read/write/execute permissions

Replication failed

but only once - is there anything special to do with permissions on file access? Many thanks for help or tips! AgileDeveloper ... with an up to date copy of the master database in the slave $replication directory, and provide maximum permissions . support Support

Failed to write to ObjectDB log file

I get an Error message: Failed to create a new file 'file:C:\Programme\Cytoscape_v2.8.3\plugins\log\odb20130502.log my program is a Cytoscape plugin. marcins Marcin ObjectDB has no permission ... to another path . Grant the ObjectDB process permission to write to that path. Disable logging by

Problem connecting to the replicated server

get an error: User slaveUserName has no permission to to access database file (error 572 ... user permission to the same path as the master user. Trianglehead Json Error In the connection url

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

are usually required in a client server connection to enable user identification and permission ... embedded mode, in which permissions are not managed, these properties are always optional

Database is erased after deploying a new web application version

to my root directory (and opened all permissions for it) but now there's a problem with accessing

Failed to create a new file 'target\objectdb\log\archive' (error 112)

Hi, we are using ObjectDB 2.4.6_10 (embedded mode). The pre-registration of a data type (see below) fails because ODB can't create a new file in a non-existing folder hierarchy. The user under which the JVM is executed in which the code below is run does have write permissions on the folder

Getting com.objectdb.o.UserException:

the location of the log files to another path. Or: Grant the ObjectDB process permission to write to: C

Catching exceptions from online backup

permissions . jakab Gergely Jakab Please try build 2.8.9_04. support Support It works nicely in the latest build. Thx! jakab Gergely Jakab

Memory Leak in EntityManagerFactory ?

the image correctly but it was set as private due to permission issues. This was fixed now

Vacuum - Reclaiming Unused Space In Odb

, the slaves cannot be trusted as a backup.  We have recently been granted permission from

Spring Data JPA

".  If i add a user anonymous with access permissions to the database everything works fine


temporary files. Please verify that the ObjectDB process has permissions to create directories and files

ObjectDB Enhancer Tool in Java 9

.objectdb.o.UserException: Invalid configuration in 'internal' - Check permissions . at com.objectdb

Replication issue, Replayer failing due to NullPointerException.

. I was seeing errors along the lines of the user had no permissions to create a database in

EM close causes an exception

that the tmp directory has not been created due to no permission ? Can you try running the test with a root user

Error 363 - Failed to read value of inverse relationship

id; private int permission = 0, activePermission = 0; private boolean validated = false

stackoverflow big sur eclipse debug

of the file permissions of the objectdb database file. The behavior is changed compared to the osx ... with access permission to the objectdb.conf (configuration) file rather than to the database file itself. Could you confirm that this is solved by changing the access permissions to the configuration file


JDO Class JDOPermission java.lang.Object ∟ Permission ∟ ... permission and has no actions. There are two names currently defined. Each named permission has a corresponding public static final field which contains an instance of the named permission

ODB Doctor Stops Progressing (runs forever)

on the system for Jstack, I hit a failure to a permissions error on the /tmp directory I just had operations resize.  It didn't have write permissions ; permission added and ODB Doctor is working

ODB Server tries to write a log file to a weird location

have explanation. In our situation this ends with Permission denied, as the ODB Server doesn't have permission to write to that directory and whole application fails. Sometimes it helped to run a doctor

Why does ObjectDB duplicate classes from javax.jdo:jdo-api?

, due to a recent upgrade of our website we had issues with permissions to edit forum posts

ObjectDB 2.8.5

Fixed a bug in using AS in SELECT NEW (breaks some Spring Data JPA queries). Fixed a bug in tracking changes to new collections after flush ( issue #2640 ). Fixed a StackOverflowError on no access permission to objectdb.conf ( issue #2643 ). Fixed a bug in managing pessimistic locks after using

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property using reflection

. Permissions com.greensoft.objectdb.test.entity.Project com.greensoft.objectdb.test.entity.Source com

ObjectDB 2.4.0

on unexpected network failure. Improved temporary file management including avoiding permission

JDOImplHelper.checkAuthorizedStateManager(sm) - JDO Static Method

is checked, and if not present, a regular permission check is made. The regular permission check


is checked, and if not present, a regular permission check is made. The regular permission check requires


JDO Static Field in javax.jdo.spi.JDOPermission CLOSE_PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_FACTORY An instance of JDOPermission to be used for closePersistenceManagerFactory permission checking. Since: JDO 1.0


JDO Static Field in javax.jdo.spi.JDOPermission GET_METADATA An instance of JDOPermission to be used for getMetadata permission checking. Since: JDO 1.0

JDOPermission.JDOPermission(name,actions) - JDO Constructor

to instantiate new Permission objects. Parameters: name - the name of the JDOPermission actions - should be null . Since: JDO 1.0


JDO Static Field in javax.jdo.spi.JDOPermission SET_STATE_MANAGER An instance of JDOPermission to be used for setStateManager permission checking. Since: JDO 1.0


JDO Static Field in javax.jdo.spi.JDOPermission MANAGE_METADATA An instance of JDOPermission to be used for manageMetadata permission checking. Since: JDO 1.0