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ObjectDB Server Connection Permissions

It would be useful if instead of creating a web service layer on top of a database, I could just set up permissions to entities and entity variables for client connections. This would be beneficial ... permissions are currently not supported so this would be a new feature request. support Support

Add Type level permissions to ObjectDB Server

set up permissions to entities and entity variables for client connections. This would be beneficial ... . Currently this configuration supports directory and file (i.e. database) level permissions. It may be possible to add for every user also permission settings of specific entity classes. Each

Server Configuration

system permissions have to be set on the data directory, its subdirectories and database files, to enable

Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0

this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT

Chapter 6 - Configuration

. Appropriate file system permissions have to be set for all the paths that are specified in the configuration file (for the process that runs ObjectDB).

ObjectDB Website - Terms and Conditions of Use

applicable copyright and trade mark law. 2. Use License Permission is granted to temporarily download


java.security Class BasicPermission java.lang.Object java.security.Permission java.security.BasicPermission Implemented Interfaces: Serializable, Guard Subclasses: JDOPermission ... implies(Permission arg0) Parameters: arg0 - boolean implies(Permission arg0) Parameters: arg0

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

identification and permission checking. Username and password are optional in a client server ... explained in the next section. In embedded mode, in which permissions are not managed


javax.jdo.spi Class JDOPermission java.lang.Object java.security.Permission java ... and should not be called by other code. A JDOPermission is a named permission and has no actions. There are two names currently defined. Each named permission has a corresponding public static final field


, a regular permission check is made. The regular permission check requires that all callers

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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