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Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

attached project JavaEE Maven with NetBeans (7.4 beta in my case). Start ObjectDB on localhost as server. Run project on Apache Tomee 1.5.2 standard. Take a look at NetBeans' output to see how many entities ... the change, close ObjectDB's connection, and run the project again. Important : do all that until a new


Hi I am trying to get a basic EclipseRCP project working with Objectdb. At the very first line in ... as a dependency to the project . Not sure what else I should do.   Any help would be appreciated ... . Could you please upload your sample project / projects ? support Support You may also look at:

Eclipse4 RCP - No Persistence provider for EntityManager

there is no more integrated javax.persistence & javax.transaction. The simplified project structure is the following one : Project X (Plugin Project with a product file to start the application) - product dependencies ... in the plugin project (also tried the src folder itself) but it seems that it don't get found if I

How to package orm.xml when using EJB in WAR?

Hi, I have database utility classes in one project , the id's use sequences declared in an orm.xml ... and Maven correctly copies META-INF and all contents into the root of jar file when the (EJB) project ... ). However, when a different web project (WAR file), which declares a dependency to the database EJB is built

ClassCastException of same object type

I have ObjectDB partially working with my project . At the moment it seems to be saving objects and retrieving objects ok in the main project . However, when I make a plugin for the project , the new ... further information. I am using ObjectDB 2.2.8 and Java 1.6. I am making an EclipseRCP project

Double persist of Entity field with Cascade.ALL

project as one zip file + exact instructions how to run it. support Support Attached is the complete Netbeans project with the error case. It contains 1. App client ( Book_dberror_client ), 2 ... the attachments to the same location,  Open Book_dberror project in Netbeans (this should also open

How to resolve 404 errors with Eclipse/Maven Spring MVC

I have created a project as guided by When I ... ; Eclipse Juno (eclipse-jee-juno-SR1-win32-x86_64), maven 3 and Tomcat 6 to create a new maven project ... other method) is optional, but improves performance. You may post your tutorial based Eclipse project

the tutorial netbeans and javaee6 dont work,

; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but the web .xml it is ok. help me please .   i have sent the file of my project .       mauro_objectDB mauro Your project has 2 problems: The servlet is empty - it seems that you missed step 4 . There is an unnecessary web.xml file in WEB-INF . To fix the project you should: Fix

JBoss 7 startup fails

Argentino If you built the project by yourself step by step - maybe you misplaced a directory or ... running the Maven version of this project . support Support Thanks,  I downloaded (the maven project ) and imported it into eclipse but I now get the following error in pom.xml

Possible cause for "Enhancement of type ... is old and cannot be used"

have been getting the error 'Enhancement of type ... is old and cannot be used' across a number of projects (both large web app project and dedicated ObjectDB test projects ) since trying objectdb-2.6.6_07 ... with objectdb-2.6.3_04 (from around Jun 2015) on any of these projects . In all cases I

Database Inconsistency or corruption

markedDeleted = false;   @ManyToOne   private Project project ;   @javax.persistence.OneToMany ... ; String type,       Long revision,       Project project ... ; this.revision = revision;     this. project = project ;    

Type ... is not defined as an entity (@Entity is missing) (error 302)

to persist an instance of CultureRqst in the project com.epimss.lab by using a Connection class imported from the project com.epimss.admin. I can access the database OK, but attempting to persist ... in a libs directory on the root of the eclipse project and then add it to the classpath runtime

JPA - ExceptionInInitializerError when creating EntityManager

Please see my code of fragment from my project .   public class Main { final private static Properties ... main(String[] args) { new Main(); } My project was was running successfully but All of sudden ... .EntityManagerSetupImpl.deploy( I am using Netbeans JAVA IDE for my project . I

mapping file is not being loaded

with the Persistence api: EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntitManagerFactory(" project .odb"); //this set ... this project for a few months, I have been able to (finally) return and attempt to address this issue ... ; project .odb to  project , to see if the persistence unit is found. The special odb suffix

Missing (null) elements in eager loaded references

/more information.   Kevin Kevin Pfaff Okay, I created a little test project which reproduces the error ... a one file format (i.e. not a large Gradle project ). This project has 21 Java files. Clearly reducing the project will require some extra work from you, sorry about that, but unfortunately

can't get HashMap out of the database

. The full Eclipse project attached FYI. Thanks, Natalia.     natmaclin Natalia Levine Try ... ;   System.out.println(result.get(0).toString()); } The full project attached ... Nested embedded is supported and your new test works with version 2.3.2_05. Your test project

Dirty checking

. 2) Each view is a ' projection ', or 'lens', or 'reactive' view over one or more entity classes. 3 ... on a proposal I made in 2013 in the RactiveJS project ), etc. So, now let's give a simple concrete example ... is an administrator, or a group leader, etc. Now that table is a projection /lens/reactive-query over a subset

Spring MVC Errors

I try to import the project from the tutorial but when doing so I get errors: 1. https://i.imgur ... for WTP and then I import Maven project from disk and this is what I get ... ;( adamrama Adam Ramatowski ... : enhance, phase: process-classes) pom.xml /Guestbook line 91 Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping

Path in tomcat

? When I debug the Eclipse web project , I export all things into a .war file. Then I use Tomcat's web deploy tool by the .war file. However, if I put objectdb into the project's /WEB-INF/, I may lost the db ... a tutorial, project Now, add ObjectDB support

Pre-detach loading: retrieval by navigation not working in if statement

of the entire project . It is late here now (in Australia), I might not report ... should be able to get it to work on a complete clean and re-build of the entire project .   You beauty ... enhancement is that the later only enhances persistable classes My project's build.xml file Ant script

What are the steps of creating small web app?

, Glassfish. ------------- - Now I am starting the project , and I designed the database model, and I am ready but I am not sure if there is anything I am missing Do I really need maven for this project , Do I really need Hibernate for this project , Do I really need Spring MVC for this project . - What is best

Mismatch client-server protocol prefix

;   } This code worked for a couple of years now and is used in multiple projects . mosi0815 ... of this project with other projects . I think I found the solution. Now the error isn't happening anymore. I ... is the @EnableSpringConfigured annotation. It just doesn't makes sense. In this project we aren't using AspectJ enhanced

zip file or JAR manifest missing

I found the message: Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing: /E:/ projects /ObjectDB/bin/objectdb.jar Some of projects can read the DB, but others can not read or write the DB. Exception in ... more Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing: /E:/ projects /ObjectDB/bin/objectdb.jar

ObjectDB within a resource adapter module and Java EE Connector Architecture

associated with it ? Example: JPA-style: 2 separate end- project web apps leverage the same EJBs, which in ... for which per-end- project database file to use. webel Dr Darren Kelly You can specify a persistence unit name ... (1st specific web app project , uses shared CoreWeb, CoreEJB etc.) SpecWeb2 (2nd specific web app

objectdb (licensed) + github action error

a Database (maven projects ). The projects run and test fine in local. The projects have more that 10 classes and you provided keys previously. The problem is on the cloud. The project are located in github ... more stuffs every new upgrade (sonarcloud, jira. updates.), . The problem is that when the project is run

Exception while accessing the Persistence unit ...?

over the turorial few times. Here is my persistence.xml and attached please find the eclipse project layout: (Note ... with your complete Eclipse project . support Support Attached please find the eclipse project in a zip file.   Thank you in advance. ceylonsoft Allen T. Arumainayagam This is the actual project

Maven driven compile time ehnancement

-plugin:1.2:java (default) @ project -domain --- [ObjectDB 2.2.2 Enhancer] 4 persistable types ... project . Replace the pom.xml file with the attached file. Run the project from the console - using ... (everything is better retrospectively) that my pom.xml was only targeting my domain classes project

Tutorial issue

Ok, so I'm stuck on the Eclipse tutorial. I have a number of other projects running in Eclipse right now, so I created the new project as specified in Step 1 The only thing I did differently was in ... the project in Step 1; Here's the output; Exception in thread "main" [ObjectDB 2.5.4_04] javax.persistence

Duplicate Entity class names causes Exception in Query

projects JFK John Francis Every entity class should have its own name - using the same entity name ... . The fix is based on the stack trace rather than on the test case since running the test project ... and then load the projects . I have further problems of this nature. I am trying to load the same classes into

NoSuchFieldError: __odbTracker on NetBeans 7.3 + JBoss 7.1.1

and Person works well, because inherit from the same super class. Please check if rebuilding the project ... , which should guarantee that the project is fully enhanced when deployed. support Support I rebuilt the project ... if you do not run the Enhancer at all? support Support Thank you very much for your help, the project

Changes in detach behaviour?

haven't tried it with the agent. To make it easy for you to try i created a Netbeans project with a customized build.xml to enhance the classes. If you run the project you'll see the output "null ... to much. mosi0815 Ralph Moser Thank you for this report and for the test project (small comment

Too many persistable types (>10) - exceeds evaluation limit

Hi, I am trying to evaluate and compare ObjectDB to other persistence solution for a project ... .definition. Project de.itemis.jdoObjectdbJoinTables.entities.definition.PropertyDefinition de.itemis ... . Project de.itemis.jdoObjectdbJoinTables.entities.definition.PropertyDefinition de.itemis

Auto Date for Creation and Update

the unittest. tlehmann Thomas Lehmann Unfortunately we cannot investigate issues in large projects ... where it would be MUCH more simple when you would have been used my project as proposed. The code ... when you would have been used my project as proposed. Clearly it would be more simple for you, but unfortunately

Embedding ObjectDB on server application

is indeed imported into the project least on Eclipse. Is there some way I can check on runtime ... . support Support That is precisely the issue! Since I have to export the project from eclipse, the server ... an external Jar to my Project . Eclipse does not show any errors and it looks like it finds all classes

odb files and config file

Hi, I used the tutorial ( project ) to use ObjectDB in my maven project . After that there was a db folder in src/main/java/webapp/WEB-INF ... .wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/ PROJECT /index.xhtml phaseId=RENDER_RESPONSE(6) And I read ( https

Failed to validate XML

/persistence/index.html In project do modifications: in resources folder create package "javax.persistence" place into package all three downloaded schemas  Now project will work without any problem ... project to use latest version of the published library.  project uses: com.objectdb:objectdb:2.6

NegativeArraySizeException on commiting a transaction

structure called ProjectVersionHistory which holds in an ArrayList 80 instances of Project . Each Project ... in the moment when I was trying to add the 81st Project in the ProjectVersionHistory. The entity ... one, only it has different OID. Then I deleted 60 instances of Project from the ProjectVersionHistory

Error 363 - Failed to read value of inverse relationship

; jch John Houston It might be a bug. Could you please attach a project that contains in addition ... and GlassFish 3.1. I have attached my NetBeans 7.0 project to this email. It is a test project and not the main project that I am doing for university. I have tested both objectdb.jar and objectdb-jee.jar

Deploy ObjectDB in WildFly 10

Hi, I'm currently evaluating ObjectDB and try to deploy my project in WildFly 10. I've installed ... ;     As soon as I deploy my project , I get an error: 017-10-23 09:23:31,715 INFO  ... .Final. You may download it, import to Eclipse (File Import Maven Existing Maven Projects

Problem on JPA Merge Entity.

; This a little webapp (using Spring/Spring MVC, ObjectDb, JPA) project under Eclipse. I upload the project archive.   The little sample is based on a web page ( http://localhost:8080/ERGO_ObjectDB ... and that the project was rebuilt and then redeployed with the new objectdb.jar. Which server do you use

Replaying recorded requests...

the root directory of my web project and now it is being read. So, I think for now I can live with it in 2 locations: project root for development, and WEB-INF/objectdb.conf for deployment. The question ... should be fine. support Support I agree that duplication is bad, however, I've got an odd project layout that I have to work with. dmoshal David Moshal

Exception on creation when running multithreaded

and don't query before creation everything is happpy. I'll try to create a test project ... Well, I tried to create a test project to reproduce the error but couldn't.   In the meantime, I've ... reproduce it on my test project yet which is a lot less complex than the one I'm testing on but in

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/Date

. projects / the ... of objectdb is 2.8.7. ObjectDB is the only referenced library. I ran the project in eclipse version 2022-09 (4.25.0). Then, I opened the project in Netbeans 15 and was able to recreate the problem. Thanks

UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer

and move the dist directory out of the project to a remote location and run it using java -jar example.jar then I ... , Project , Run, VM Options: java -javaagent:C:\work\programs\Object DB\objectdb-2.5.5_14\bin\objectdb.jar example However, when I try to run the project from within Netbeans I now get this error: Error

Stalling on "run File" in Netbeans when using -javaagent:lib/objectdb.jar

. To enable enhancement I use the following in the Project Properties dialog Run section under VM Options: -javaagent:lib/objectdb.jar where there is a lib folder under the main project folder. This works ... Netbeans IDE have encountered problems  using -javaagent:lib/objectdb.jar under the project's VM

JPQL Case Statements (JPA 2.0)

need for conditional projection query results as described in  Pro JPA2 p.231 - 233 ... . project ), e. project .id, e. project .name, TYPE(e.owner),, FROM Element e Projection query skips result row when project or owner null. Need CASE statement to check for when project

Why does ObjectDB duplicate classes from javax.jdo:jdo-api?

a specific database. In a project that uses said library, I'm using ObjectDB because it is fast ... packages and classes that clash with the JDO API's JAR? If a project uses JPA and JDO, it is most likely to avoid coupling it to a specific database. By adding ObjectDB as a database and ORM in a project

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: null:

, GreenStarOfficeProject project , String name, Source source ) { try { Constructor constructor = clazz.getConstructor(Element.class, GreenStarOfficeProject.class, String.class); //version that can pass Project to kids in init() T t = (T)constructor.newInstance(owner, project ,name); t.setSource(source); initElement(t

NullPointer when accessing persistent field

before test runs. Thanks again. JFK John Francis The Maven project that causes this exception ... get this bug. The uploaded zip contains a maven project (  its also an Eclipse project

I can't get cascading delete to work in JDO

I enclose a Netbeans project which demonstrates the problem.  Cascading persist works ... . Your NetBeans project was converted to a minimal test case in the required format (please use this format rather than NetBeans projects for future report): import java.util.*; import javax.jdo.*; import javax.jdo