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FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

a program, since both are used for iteration over objects. Range Variables Range variables ... name annotation element. Multiple range variables are allowed. For example, the following query ... is required when using multiple range variables. Iteration over about 1,000,000 database objects

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

over objects in the database. A query variable that is bound to an entity class is referred to as a range variable. Range variables define iteration over all the database objects of a binding entity class and its descendant classes. In the query above, c is a range variable that is bound to the Country

Index Definition

and range queries: SELECT p FROM Point p WHERE p.x = 100 SELECT p FROM Point p WHERE p.x BETWEEN 50 AND 80 ... the WHERE clause of the query a more efficient range scan can be performed. ObjectDB also uses indexes


Country AS c SET c.population = c.population * 11 / 10 The UPDATE clause defines exactly one range ... supported. The SET clause defines one or more field update expressions (using the range

ObjectDB Object Database Features

can manage databases of various sizes efficiently, ranging from kilobytes to terabytes . Platform ... parameters for efficient reuse of one query in multiple executions. Result range settings (first

JPA Criteria API Queries

for representing the built query. Then a Root  instance is created to define a range variable in the FROM clause. Finally, the range variable, c , is also used in the SELECT clause as the query result

Server User List

a hyphen (-) to indicate a range . For example, a value "," allows connecting from any IP address in the range of to , as well as from

Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries

The  Query and  TypedQuery interfaces define various setting and tuning methods that may affect query execution if invoked before a query is run using getResultList or getSingleResult . Result Range (setFirstResult, setMaxResults) The setFirstResult and  setMaxResults methods enable

JPA Persistable Types

. It is more efficient (storage and retrieval are faster). It simplifies queries on dates and ranges

Is ObjectDB scalable? What are its limitations?

ObjectDB is highly scalable and can manage efficiently databases in a wide range of sizes, from a few Kilobytes to hundreds of Gigabytes and even Terabytes. ObjectDB can be used in small embedded single user applications as well as in heavy loaded multi threaded multi user applications. ObjectDB

JPA Queries

elements (representing range variables, join and fetch): Other criteria query expressions (for all the query clauses):

WHERE clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

over all the Country objects in the database using the c range variable. Before passing these Country

Criteria Query From Elements

The interfaces in this group are in use for setting a criteria query FROM clause. Criteria Query Variables The FROM clause  in JPA queries (as in SQL) defines the query variables. Query variables are represented in criteria queries by descendant interfaces of the From interface: Range

ObjectDB Overview

/ JDO product. Suitable for database files ranging from kilobytes to terabytes. Supports both Client

Database Explorer

range . Check [Disable Cache] to bypass query program and result caches. Click the Execute button

Step 4: Create an ObjectDB Data Set

value in a specified range : SELECT p.x as x, p.y as y FROM Point p WHERE p.x BETWEEN :low AND :high Use

Multiple @ID

I have an entity with 2 @ID @Entity public class TheTable extends AbstractMMODataObject { @Id String userId; @Id long range ; It was a mistake, I really should have just made  range an @Index but it already has millions of records in it. I am wondering if I query select t from  TheTable t where range

Explorer in 2.3

to have: 1. Export of selected data: a. Simple - Select a range of cells or a column header and copy ... to split the results by id ranges (adding additional top levels to the tree, similarly to viewing

Standalone server needs dependencies?

; My query was a simple select statement with a where clause like where and t. range =: range

JPA and handling large data sets

result range ( setFirstResult , setMaxResults ) for this purpose is indeed inefficient, because some ... is only with setFirstResult and using setMaxResults may be fine. If not check if you can retrieve ranges

performance limit

+ records by UserID atribute, tables have from 5 to 20 atributes. Usualy the results range from ... range . Regards.   peric.emil Emil Perić With proper indexes defined, queries on millions

Possible issue with String fields

to commit transaction: String index out of range : 5 (error 613) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.commit ... .StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range : 5 at java.lang.String.charAt( at com.objectdb.o.SYH

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

separated list and using a hyphen (-) to indicate a range . For example, a value "," allows connections from any IP address in the range of to, as

virtual servers and one file

(you can keep all the primary keys in memory or use a simple test database with a continuous range of simple

Composite Index error 328

. It may be supported by ObjectDB in the future as it may be useful for some range queries.   support Support

About LIMIT and OFFSET as query tokens

range using setFirstResult and setMaxResults . support Support Thanks you!!! mgarciat Miguel

Failed to read DB file while online backup is running

will be needed in order to explore this issue, including range of affected ObjectDB versions. support Support I

Grouping by date()

) in which HOUR returns a value in the 0-23 range . support Support Thanks for the fix. New version works well. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski

Option or strategy to disable/skip runtime enhancement checks (to improve load time)?

On startup of a Maven-based web app there is verbose logging of object checking whether enhancement has been applied to a wide range of classes, many of which have nothing to do with the entity layer. For example, it is checking whether PrimeFaces JSF toolkit classes are enhanced. I am using

Problem with 'where' and date()

Hi, Today I was playing with some date- range queries in explorer and found a small problem. When you try to use queries like this: SELECT o from TestObject o where :someDate where is java.util.Date, 'where' doesn't work as it should. Results are not filtered by date

Changing Primary Key

I have a "Table" that currently has  @Id private String userId; @Id private long range ; private String someOtherField; I need to add a @Id to someOtherField.  But when I add that, and query the table all the PK fields are null or 0.  What can I do to modify primary keys?  

Processing thread count for 8-core server

? cvtsc Dev Team It could be in the range of 15-30 threads, but choosing the best value will require

Unable to execute update query

in 100% of the cases. If I limit the amount of positons to update by specifying an id ranges

Which storage fits best to ObjectDB?

considerably worse. Our DB files range from 700MB to 5GB. So the question which arises: does

LIMIT or TOP functions

Is there LIMIT or TOP functions in object db? If so can you provide some examples? vinodh vinodhkumar You can set query result range by using the setFirstResult and setMaxResults methods. You can find more details and an example in the manual . support Support Thanks. This solved my purpose. vinodh vinodhkumar

Listing large number of complicated objects with paging.

the result range ? How many products are you trying to retrieve in every query execution

JVM crash when using IBM JDK 1.6.0

) 3XMTHREADINFO2 (native stack address range from:0x00007F00CBFB1000, to:0x00007F00CC9B2000, size

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

, all the people in a range of ages can be retrieved by: Query query = pm.newQuery(Person.class); query

[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB

ObjectDB for Java/JDO is a powerful Object Database Management System (ODBMS) written entirely in Java. It can efficiently handle a wide range of database sizes, from a few KBs to hundreds of GBs. It has a small footprint, high performance, and a flexible architecture (1-Tier, 2-Tier or N-Tier). 1


, import statements, ordering and grouping specifications, result and result class, the range ... collection or extent, result class, and range limits are not used. The String parameters are trimmed ... , when set, disallows further modification of the query, except for specifying the range , result class

InternalException during producer/consumer scenario

) The consumer can select the "next" object based on a range of potentially complex criteria. 2

Getting an error when adding activation code to conf file

.createEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); IntStream. range (0, 1000000).forEach(i

Sort of very large objects - out of memory

keys were either ascending or descending, since then a range query could just pick the first or last

ObjectDB 2.7.5

Improved recovery from failure when recovery is enabled with no sync  ( issue #2293 ). Added support of using JDO listeners with JPA EntityManager. Added debug logging got persist cascading ( issue #2299 ). Fixed a bug in restricting server access to a range of IPs ( issue #2292 ). Fixed

ObjectDB 2.3.4

url. Fixed performance issue ( fetch optimization ) in range queries. Fixed cached result size

Query.setRange(fromInclToExcl) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.Query void setRange (   String fromInclToExcl ) Set the range of results to return. The parameter is a String containing a comma-separated fromIncl and toExcl ... and the remaining 30 results are ignored. An implementation should execute the query such that the range

Query.setRange(fromIncl,toExcl) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.Query void setRange (   long fromIncl,    long toExcl ) Set the range of results to return. The execution of the query is modified ... should execute the query such that the range algorithm is done at the data store. Parameters: fromIncl - 0

Query.addSubquery(sub,variableDeclaration,candidateCollectionExpression,parameters) - JDO Method

with a PersistenceManager, the candidate collection or extent, result class, and range limits are not used

Query.isUnmodifiable() - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.Query boolean isUnmodifiable () The unmodifiable flag, when set, disallows further modification of the query, except for specifying the range , result class, and ignoreCache option. Return: the current setting of the flag Since: JDO 2.0

Query.setUnmodifiable() - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.Query void setUnmodifiable () The unmodifiable flag, when set, disallows further modification of the query, except for specifying the range , result class, and ignoreCache option. The unmodifiable flag can also be set in metadata. Since: JDO 2.0