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FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

> Range Variables Range variables are query identification variables ... >Multiple range variables are allowed. For example, the following query returns all the pairs ... > Caution is required when using multiple range variables. Iteration over about 1,000,000 database

Index Definition

query execution. Indexes are especially efficient in lookup and range queries:x, ObjectDB can find the results using a range scan ... . If x is specified first, the BTree is ordered by x values, so a range scan

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

a range variable. Range variables define iteration over all the database objects of a binding entity class and its descendant classes. In the query above, c is a range variable ... the iteration of the c range variable, which in this case is actually all the Country

ObjectDB Object Database Features

> ObjectDB can manage databases of various sizes efficiently, ranging from kilobytes ... /query/setting#result_range_setfirstresult_setmaxresults">range settings (first, max) - for paging


c.population = c.population * 11 / 10 The UPDATE clause defines exactly one range ... supported. The SET clause defines one or more field update expressions (using the range

JPA Criteria API Queries

. Then a Root instance is created to define a range variable in the FROM clause. Finally, the range variable, c, is also used in the SELECT

Server User List

can also be specified in a comma separated list and using a hyphen (-) to indicate a range. For example, a value ... connecting from any IP address in the range of to, as

Criteria Query From Elements

="/java/jpa/query/jpql/from#range_variables">Range variables (bound by an entity class

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

a comma separated list and using a hyphen (-) to indicate a range. For example, a value "," allows connections from any IP address in the range of


, the range of results, and flags indicating whether the query result is unique and whether the query ... with a PersistenceManager, the candidate collection or extent, result class, and range limits are not used ... , except for specifying the range, result class, and ignoreCache option.