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Database Doctor

The ObjectDB Doctor tool provides two related services: Doctor's diagnosis regularly in order to identify potential problems early on. Running ObjectDB Doctor Diagnosis The ObjectDB

Doctor - high memory usage

Hi, Is it possible to reduce Doctor memory usage? Right now ... #the_temp_element">temporary file threshold. The Doctor will use less memory ... think that running the Doctor with 512MB max heap size should be a problem. The Doctor tool

DB Explorer and Doctor unable to open DB file

Doctor. Both are writing same mistake : ObjectDB Doctor [version ... .objectdb.o.DMR.D( at com.objectdb.o.DMR.B( at com.objectdb.Doctor.main( Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: quant/phdsc_new/model/SelectionModel

OutOfMemoryError on search after update on DB created with DB Doctor

It looks like there may be an issue with the DB files created with DB Doctor in ... . We run DB Doctor in recovery mode to generate a recovered DB file. No schema (and index) changes - just testing the use of DB Doctor to check DB files during package installation. We get the recovered

Doctor fails to run when running in parallel on more DB files.

We've got this exception, when running DB Doctor in parallel on multiple DB files.Doctor.main( Example ... .Doctor file1.odb fixed/file1.odb&\ java -Xmx100G$tmpdir -cp objectdb.jar com

Objectdb Doctor

> How does the ObjectDB Doctor help?   dmoshal David Moshal When objects ... ="/java/jpa/tool/doctor">ObjectDB Doctor can help in this context in two ways: Running the Doctor in diagnosis mode once in awhile during development and testing can help in

unable to fix DB with Doctor (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException)

Explorer). DB was used by ver 2.6.9_09. I tried to fix it with ObjectDB Doctor (from ver. ver 2.6.9_09, but also from newest version 2.8.6), but even Doctor fails: ObjectDB Doctor [version 2.6.9_09] Copyright (c) 2016, ObjectDB Software. All rights reserved

Database access error , Doctor hanging on trying to repair, production shutdown at our biggest customer

> on running Doctor it hangs after reading in the database, just no activity for hours (0 ... but contains useful data) and the Doctor cannot help you may send it to us (in a private support ticket). This could also help us fixing the Doctor to handle this situation in the future. support

ObjectDB 2.7.2_x Doctor Yields "Index Requires Rebuild" Always

Doctor on it.  See indexing errors reported. Run ObjectDB 2.7.1 on same .odb and you will not see indexing errors. Run ObjectDB 2.7.2 (or later or earlier) Doctor with repair ... later) Doctor is run on the "repaired" database. Automatic index rebuilding ("<index

ODB Doctor Stops Progressing (runs forever)

Hi, I have an issue with the ODB Doctor running endlessly on a 1.35GB ODB ... database is being placed.  When I run the DB Doctor without a destination file (just to check ... ?    ObjectDB Doctor [version 2.6.1] Copyright (c) 2015, ObjectDB