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Strings in JPQL and Criteria Queries

Pattern Matching with Wildcards The [NOT] LIKE operator checks if a specified string matches ... (_) - which matches any single character. The left operand is always the string to check

JPA Metamodel API

: IdentifiableType<MyEntity> superType = entityType.getSupertype(); // Checks if the type ... > id2 =   entityType.getDeclaredId(Long.class); // Checks if the type has a version

Locking in JPA

that has to be updated or deleted is checked. An exception is thrown if it is found out that an update ... field. During commit (and flush), ObjectDB checks every database object that has to be updated or


manager is container-managed Since: JPA 1.0 boolean contains(Object entity) Check if the instance is a managed entity instance belonging to the current persistence context. Check if the instance ... has a version attribute, the persistence provider must perform optimistic version checks

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - IntelliJ Project

the green run icon (or Shift+F10). If the browser fails to open check the settings at File > Settings > Web Browsers.

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

is installed, by right clicking the project node and checking that the Run As > Run on Server command

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

(); Collection result = (Collection)query.execute(); The compile() method checks the syntax ... queries in SQL because every combination of variables has to be checked for every candidate object. Just

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

identification and permission checking. Username and password are optional in a client server ... which handling a checked exception, such as IOException, is forced by the compiler


for each object that failed the consistency check. No datastore resources acquired during the execution ... to the database will not be persisted. Since: JPA 1.0 boolean contains(Object entity) Check if the instance is a managed entity instance belonging to the current persistence context. Check


every call go through the security manager, only the call to get an instance is checked. Once an implementation has an instance, any of the methods can be invoked without security checks. Since: JDO 1.0 void checkAuthorizedStateManager( StateManager sm) Check that the parameter instance is of a class that is authorized

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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