ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Single Server License and Embedded Mode

activation code was not added to the correct objectdb.conf file, i.e. the configuration file ... . If it is in a lib, bin or build directory go one level up. In that directory put the objectdb.conf file. support Support I did update the objectdb.conf as directed during activation. However, I'm using maven

Cannot initialize db after inserting a java.util.List

.java:633) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMF.createEntityManager(EMF.java:90) at com.socratestutor.conf.startup.DataStartup.run(DataStartup.java:24) at com.socratestutor.conf.startup.StartupContextListener ... .java:90) at com.socratestutor.conf.startup.DataStartup.run(DataStartup.java:24) at com.socratestutor

Path in tomcat

Hi, If I put the .jar into /opt/Tomcat/lib/, then where the .conf should be in? And the .odb ... /, then where the .conf should be in? And the .odb? See explanations about ObjectDB home and configuration path ... 'objectdb' somewhere - in my case ~/objectbd - put objectdb.jar and objected.conf in this directory

problems with OEM license/enhancing

the location of the objectdb.jar file and make sure that the objectdb.conf file with the activation ... is lib, bin or build). support Support as regards the correct location: where to place the objectdb.conf ... default the objectdb.conf is searched relative to the location of the objectdb.jar file (which could be in

Replication Issue

start -conf objectdbMASTER.conf on the same server I run a java program - which is writing objects ... .jar com.objectdb.Server start -conf objectdb.conf Here is the config for the slave DB

Programatic configuration or configuration file loaded from classpath or file

classloader? You may replace the embedded default objectdb.conf in the objectdb.jar, which is loaded as a resource and used when no external objectdb.conf is found, with your own objectdb.conf. support Support

recovery enabled="false", still creates tablename.odb$ files

$ files)? CAPdev CAP Dev Could you please verify that this setting is in the correct objectdb.conf file ... default the configuration file is loaded from $objectdb/objectdb.conf. You can add an XML error to the objectdb.conf file. If your application is still running then it is not the right file. support Support

OutofMemory error with Object DB 2.0

is different. Could you please post your objectdb.conf file? The database cache, which is limited ... Contents of the objectdb.conf file (also attached). I think I have disabled recovery which was enabled in default conf: <!-- ObjectDB Configuration --> <objectdb> <general> <temp path="$temp

multi EntityManager with Spring Boot, but 'Too many persistable types (>10)

is ok. single use of database2(6137) from app is also ok. each objectdb.conf is same without port ... solve this problem. > Chapter 6 - Configuration > System.setProperty("objectdb.conf", "/my/objectdb.conf"); when dealing with two databases from one application, what should I do ? Tsu Masaaki Tsugami

evalution limit error on digital ocean ubuntu

Trying to run the code on Digital Ocean Ubuntu instance. Generated license and set key in objectdb conf file. It gives below exceeds evaluation error when we try to run the code. Caused by: com ... key in the wrong objectdb.conf file, i.e. in an objectdb.conf file that is not in use by ObjectDB

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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