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Activation Issue

). However after a reboot I'm now getting the evaluation license restriction message again at compile time (which was I ... up straight after reboot when I restarted the objectdb server, and then started tomcat, with tomcat ... the server. If the server starts with no errors - your configuration file is not used and probably

Intermittent Server Shutdowns Due to Out of Memory (OOM) Issues

>The ObjectDB server starts normally but gets terminated intermittently. The dmesg ... and disk space before the server is started. I have already tried

How to install ObjectDB on my Amazon EC2?

> This website has several getting started tutorials. You should first run ... , then you run "nohup sh start &". Important, before doing this, make sure

How to open a running db in ObjectDB Explorer?

the application, copy the db in another location, start the application then finally I could explore my data ... at the server level. support Support Hi, I am getting the following error ... started ObjectDB in Client-Server mode.   junior Lekane Nimpa, Junior

Not able to update records

Update query by i am getting following exception start the transaction and em.getTransaction().commit() to end the transaction wirh ... (); // start the transaction Query query = em.createQuery(createUpdateQuery(userCredential, sessionID

Working with a cleared cache

with a given list of commands. When I run the code as written I start getting the stack traces ... { // Start the transaction m_persistenceManager.currentTransaction().begin

Reading 1.x odb files in ObjectDB 2.x without upgrading

(outGobbler); Thread errThread = new Thread(errGobbler); outThread.start(); errThread.start(); outThread.join(); errThread.join(); proc.waitFor ... }); I always gets corrupted database.  I am doing coversion of 6 odbfile files one by

Mysterious "Attempt to persist a reference to a non managed instance" error

much as expected. I made a few modifications to a working set of classes today, and it's started ... ;   tx.commit();     } } I had started with the expectation ... ---and I'm still getting an exception: Exception in thread "main

multiple connection using share folder

> support Support sir i have tried bu again i am getting database use in other processs start | stop | restart options include: -conf <path> : specify ... .getDatabaseName( 14) at gaapmrp.GAAPMRP.start( at com.sun

JBoss 7 startup fails

.1.Final "Zap" starting 13:49:21,432 WARN [] No security realm defined for native ... thread 1-2) Starting Naming Service 13:49:23,989 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread ... INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-1) Starting remote JMX connector