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Navigation to Collection Elements

my persistent object of class X. Can I navigate (as opposed to using JOIN ... , you can navigate from any managed entity object to any other reachable managed entity object ... ] ? If such navigations in queries lead to performance penalty, how slow

Navigation and Parameters

Greetings ObjectDB team, Suppose I pass a List of persistent objects to some query as a parameter, can I navigate to those objects' fields ? E.g.: SELECT ... >You cannot navigate from a collection of objects to a field in these objects directly. You need

Pre-detach loading: retrieval by navigation not working in if statement

.com/questions/35359676/java-jpa-objectdb-pre-detach-loading-why-retrieval-by-navigation-and-access ... -navigation-and-access webel Dr Darren Kelly It could be some sort of JVM optimization that went

Navigation through Path to evaluate collection

Hello, I need to evaluate a field ("identifier") which is situated in a collection, within an entity. As stated in the documentation it is not possible to navigate there with the dot operator since its a collection. Is it there a way to evaluate this field? Here is the query, the entity

Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API

are assigned as arguments. Path expressions that navigate from one object to another. Instances ... > and <> operators. But more often they are used in JPQL path expressions that navigate ... ordering. Navigation

ObjectDB Object Database Features

/persistence/retrieve#retrieval_by_navigation_and_access">Transparent activation (no activation depth ... #retrieval_by_navigation_and_access">navigating from other managed objects. Path navigation expressions

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

for managed entity objects, including navigation_and_access">transparent navigation to other database objects, Using navigation_through_path

Navigation through lazy loading from Detached Objects

#retrieval_by_navigation_and_access">Retrieval by navigation from detached objects is not supported ... for that) but for us the inability to navigate lazy relationships of detached entities is a big

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

to explore database objects visually, navigate among them and execute queries is very valuable ... navigation among objects. Because every reference between two database objects is represented by a parent-child relationship in the tree, you can navigate among objects by expanding nodes in the tree

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

are called root objects in object databases, because navigation in the database can easily start from ... , after an object is retrieved, all the objects that are reachable from it can be retrieved simply by navigating ... ) are also always reachable. In addition, every object that can be accessed by navigation from a reachable object