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run several embedded systems on one server, problem with double used port

but there are endless logs generated reporting about a double used port. Ist there a possibility to configure that port for each embedded system hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker Are you using embedded-server mode? In that case you should be able to specify a port to be used

Safe to monitor listening port by connect/disconnect?

I wish to monitor our instances of ObjectDB using an automated tool that simply connects and then disconnects from the ObjectDB listening port once per second (frequency is configurable).  Will this cause any issue with the normal operation of ObjectDB? CAPdev CAP Dev

Database Server

explicitly -port <port>  :  override configuration's server port -silent ... -shell"> > java com.objectdb.Server -conf my_objectdb.conf start The TPC/IP port ... class="pre-shell"> > java com.objectdb.Server -port 8888 start You can also use

Server Configuration

class="pre-config"> <server> <connection port="6136" max="0" /> <data path ... ; element <connection port="6136" max="0" /> The port attribute specifies a TPC port on which the server is listening

Database Replication and Clustering

: <server>     <connection port="6001 ... > The above URL specifies the location of the slave server on port 6001 as well as the location of the master server on port 6000. Notice that the specified user and password attributes

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

explicitly -port <port> : override configuration TCP port to listen to The TPC port ... the –port command line option to specify another port, as shown below:

JPA Web App Tutorial - Maven Project

file) and port 8080 has to be available for the Jetty embedded server.

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - Maven Project

), and port 8080 has to be available for the Jetty embedded server. It is not necessary

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

>host (could be domain name or ip address) and listening to the specified portlocalhost (the same machine) and listening to the default port

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

the Open dialog you have to fill in the host, port, username and password of the remote connection