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Unable to repair DB by Doctor.

Hi, I am unable to repair a database by Doctor. Getting following error. com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed to locate field field com.apps.test.ContactTab.col8 using reflection at com.objectdb.o.MSG.a( at com

Repair broken references in entities

on this removed/persisted entity repaired again? best regards btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems

errors on repair

errors on repair

Database access error , Doctor hanging on trying to repair, production shutdown at our biggest customer

to this incident would help. If you need to repair the database (i.e. it is not a test database ... . If fixing still fails please share the database and we will try to repair it as soon as possible. repair the database so that system could work again. support Support doctor

Database Doctor

a detailed diagnosis report of all the errors. Repair of a corrupted ObjectDB database file Repairs a corrupted ObjectDB database file by creating a new fresh ... ObjectDB Doctor Repair Running the ObjectDB Doctor in repair mode requires specifying

ObjectDB Object Database Features

>Automatic diagnosis and repair of corrupted database files (the Automatically repairs damaged database files with minimum data loss (if any).

again merger missing logs + objectdb exception

(we could only stop and copy the database 2 days ago, there was not enough time to do a repair) repair the database with the Doctor? support Support We will be able to repair monday to tuesday night. Can you make available the update before ?

Unexpected error when loading all entity instance

Doctor produces errors. After using the Doctor to repair the database the query runs in ... already. But after adding new ChangeSet instances it gets corrupted all the time. So I repair, run for like 10min and then I have to repair again. There seems to be a bug which corrupts the database

Corrupt database page

possibility to repair the database? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Have you tried repairing the file with the Doctor? support Support Yes, the db doctor could repair ... the file system after closing the database and the db doctor is able to repair the corrupted page

ObjectDB 2.7.2_x Doctor Yields "Index Requires Rebuild" Always

and you will not see indexing errors. Run ObjectDB 2.7.2 (or later or earlier) Doctor with repair and create repaired.odb.  repaired.odb will still show indexing errors when ObjectDB 2.7.2 (or later) Doctor is run on the "repaired" database. Automatic index rebuilding ("<index