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Database Schema Evolution

(their schema) are transparent to ObjectDB. This includes adding, removing and modifying ... the new class schema, and old entity objects, which were stored previously in the old class schema, have to be converted to the new schema. Note: In client-server mode

Schema Update

The <schema> configuration element supports renaming packages ... these elements in the IDE during source code refactoring. Only these schema changes are specified in the configuration file. As explained in schema">chapter 2, other schema changes


.persistence">javax.persistence.JoinTableString schema (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema


.persistence">javax.persistence.TableString schema (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user.


javax.persistence">javax.persistence.CollectionTableString schema (Optional) The schema of the table. If not specified, the default schema for the user is used. Default value:


javax.persistence">javax.persistence.TableGeneratorString schema (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user. Default value:


javax.persistence">javax.persistence.SecondaryTableString schema (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user. Default value:


in javax.persistence">javax.persistence.SequenceGeneratorString schema (Optional) The schema of the sequence generator.


">javax.jdo.ConstantsString PROPERTY_MAPPING_SCHEMA Mapping "javax.jdo.mapping.Schema" Since: JDO 2.1


schema Schema to use for persisting this class or