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General Settings and Logging

; The element To meet memory constraints ObjectDB can use temporary files when processing large data, such as query results that contain millions of objects. The element specifies temporary file settings: The path attribute specifies a directory in which the temporary files are generated. The $temp prefix

Empty temporary dat files in the temp folder

how critical the problem for our application is.   btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems A new temporary file ... -file is enabled. In the new build (2.6.8_08) the temporary file is deleted when the database file ... today. Still, ObjectDB deletes all unused temporary files periodically (also in 2.6.8_06

Temporary disabling of indexes?

Temporary disabling of indexes?

Database Management Settings

a list of file name extensions that can be used for temporary databases (usually in tests). The content of these temporary databases is deleted when using the drop URL connection parameter . The elements

Database Connection using JPA

that it is a temporary database. By default, the tmp and  temp  file name extensions represent temporary databases that can be dropped, but this can be configured . EntityManager

Chapter 6 - Configuration

the ObjectDB home directory, and $temp , representing the system default temporary path, can be used in any

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

further version. Can you implement it that ObjectDB used temporary files? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems ... which this data is written to a temporary file. Even without speed optimizations, but with priority ... EmbeddedSystems Although ObjectDB already uses temporary files for many activities (e.g. processing large query

Attempt to open a non existing file '/tmp/objectdb_xxxx/SortQueryItr_6.mrg'

Keskes ObjectDB deletes its temporary files in 2 ways: Every process deletes its own temporary files ... temporary files of other processes that are not locked (active temporary files are always locked ... a separate class loader) manages its own directory of temporary files, e.g.  /tmp/objectdb

EM close causes an exception

temporary file that holds information about uncommitted flushed updates when the EntityManager ... is considered temporary . Version 3.x (currently in development) will add better support for large ... EmbeddedSystems Although the exceptions in #1 and #13 seem similar and both are related to the temporary

lockfiles in client/server mode

using the same directory for their temporary files. Changing the temporary directory path ... ). A better solution could be changing the permissions of the temporary directory ( /tmp/ObjectDB ) in a way ... that ObjectDB uses temporary files.   support Support thank you for the quick reply! for the time being i

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

to the database it stores the changes in a related temporary file in the same directory as the database file. For instance, a database file named db.odb , would have a corresponding temporary file named .$db.odb$ . After the transaction is completed the temporary file is marked as obsolete (and for efficiency

Server closes if large query runs out of memory

memory allocation (and uses temporary files instead of RAM) when memory usage is high, but it is far ... threshold setting. If you reduce the threshold then ObjectDB will use temporary files instead of RAM more often. Processing complex queries may require using many temporary lists, so unfortunately

Online Backup in client-server mode

you have two options for online backup: If your specify a File instance as the target parameter then a temporary ... when the client and the server are not on the same machine, and the temporary file is essential ... then it is interpreted as the path on the server machine to which to write the backup file and no temporary file

Unable to execute update query

Ralph Moser The exception is thrown because of a problem in reading a temporary file that is used in an update query, but the cause is unclear, and according to your report that specific temporary file ... case, but it works well (also with low temp file threshold and temporary files): import javax

Maven host down?

Lukasz Walkowski I cannot see any problem now. Maybe it was a temporary problem ... several times and all links work. Maybe it was another temporary problem. support Support I confirm, m2 ... again now. It might have been a temporary networking issue. support Support

Query Execution on parallel threads don't lead to performance improvements

, it seems that time is spent on using temporary files. You may want to try increasing the configuration of the temporary file threshold , to reduce the use temporary files (although it may require more RAM). support Support

Pre-detach loading: retrieval by navigation not working in if statement

; } } But this works, storing the test in a temporary variable: test = lz.getPresent().getValue() != null ... where it passes the if statement at all (because, for example, the temporary 'test' holder is used). I tried ... , but could not reproduce the problem. The following works WITHOUT storing the test in a temporary variable

Possible issue with String fields

temporary file path. Please try build 2.3.7_16 that should fix it. If it doesn't - please try build 2.3.7_13. When you increase the number of records in a transaction ObjectDB has to use temporary files. Even after a fix, it would be better if possible to avoid temporary file (to improve efficiency

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

object ID is returned, and its toString() returns a temporary negative number, because a database object ... .getObjectId(person); String s1 = oid.toString(); // s1 contains a temporary negative number pm ... different values. Using temporary IDs instead of allocating permanent object IDs immediately

suddenly a batchquery appears

we see at the same customer where we have the huge database problems suddenly any temporary batchquery files appearing in a local folder. Beside the fact that the local folders are not excluded from ... Zwicker Local files are generated in the  temporary directory  when processing exceeds RAM

Optimistic Locking

to a temporary data structure for presentation and then on update retrieves the object again and fills its with the data from the temporary data structure - then updates of other users might be overridden. support Support

Again about $temp from objectdb.conf

? Thank you,   Sandu sandu Alexandru Constantinescu You can set the temporary directory ... .tmpdir" system property, but that will change the temporary directory for the entire JVM, not just for ObjectDB.   support Support

Configuration Advice

is to try different settings. If you have sufficient RAM but temporary files are used a higher general:temp:threshold value can reduce temporary files usage. The L2 cache does not always help

Failed to resize file - file system limitation error

to place this temporary file used during execution of DB Doctor on a different file ... , have you seen the database file becoming larger successfully? You can change the temporary path in

Corrupted Database or error in ObjectDBExplorer?

around could you please try: Adding a new temporary persistent field to your  RequirementBasedTestCaseImpl class and then opening the database with the modified class available in the classpath. Removing that temporary

Doctor - high memory usage

You may try decreasing the temporary file threshold . The Doctor will use less memory and more temporary

Out of memory

of memory. You should be able to reduce the memory that is used by setting the temporary memory ... that value then temporary files will be used and that may decrease the application performance

ObjectDB is opening too many sockets

implementation generates some temporary objects even when no new connections are created. Were there any ... temporary objects even when no new connections are created. But the sockets are not created every second

Garbage Free Persistence?

Some logger are now garbage free - like log4j - they do it by avoiding the creation of temporary

impossible to drop a table with 50 million objects

the database. Alternatively you may try using the undocumented setting of temporary page file

Connecting to a remote objectdb server

are temporary db files.   joesms Joerg Weishaupt Please try the following: Download the last

Pessimestic Locking doesn't release when application unexpectedly terminates.

to release the lock when a connection is  broken ... in case there's a very temporary break

ObjectDB 2.6.8

. Fixed a NullPointerExeption on flush ( issue #1840 ). Fixed a bug in using temporary files in large transactions. Reverts a change in 2.6.6_08 that may cause issue #1839 . Attempt to fix a bug in using temporary files in large transactions.

again merger missing logs + objectdb exception

was fixed in version 2.7.2 ( temporary stack traces in the log will be removed in the next build ... Zwicker The log entries in #28 above are temporary logging of the nested section key workaround

An entityManager.flush() with many entities is not possible

amount of data requires using temporary files and the exception indicates a problem in using these files. Please check this forum thread . Maybe disabling deletion of temporary files could help.   support Support

ObjectDB 2.6.7

Added an option to write javaagent enhanced classes to file ( for diagnosis ). Extended temporary files support to update queries ( issue #1658 ). Improved performance of handling multi activations configuration. Fixed a synchronization bug in using temporary files in large transactions. Fixed

Multiple files support for search and persist

.g. temporary files, recovery file) to other disks. using replication with multiple servers

ObjectDB 2.8.7_08

Attempt to solve temporary files locking issues on Linux.

ObjectDB 2.6.5

entity in the same transaction. Fixed temporary file management for very large transactions ( feature


if it fails. If necessary, add a delay between successive find attempts. This may serve as a temporary

ObjectDB 2.8.8

( issue #2794 ). Fixed an enum optimization regression ( issue #2794 ). Fixed a temporary files locking issue on Linux ( issue #2794 ).

ObjectDB 2.6.1

Added an option to disable temporary file deletion . Added support of using entity classes with missing dependent types. Added support of composite indexes with components of different lengths . Fixed a bug in reflection mode in detecting changes after flush ( issue #1602 ). Fixed

Querying error - java.lang.ClassCastException: com.objectdb.o.STV

, a temporary property on the client side disables the suspected optimization: System.setProperty("com

queries under 2.7.6_4 significantly slower than under 2.7.6

a system property to disable the change in version 2.7.6_01, as a temporary solution, if you think

NullPointerException when using multithreading

to do an evaluation and want to store 200 million entities in the database.  I have a temporary key

ObjectDB 2.6.9

Added support for integration with WebSphere / Liberty application server. Fixed deletin g large transaction temporary files (in the experimental large transactions feature ). Fixed empty log directory creation when logging is disabled. Fixed a bug in using nested embedded objects. Fixed a query

ObjectDB 2.6.4

to collections. Fixed large transaction temporary files implementation ( feature request #1658 ). Fixed a bug in

Page cache File handling produced an Negative seek offset

the new implementation of temporary files for very large transactions. Version 2.6.7 should fix

ObjectDB 2.7.0

Extended maximum supported entity object size to nearly 2GB. Added a temporary system property to disable "enhancement ... is old" checks. Fixed a bug in handling remove and persist of the same object in one transaction ( issue #2027 ). Fixed objectdb.jar to include META-INF/MANIFEST.MF as

OutOfMemoryError, if close the entity manager

had to be moved from a temporary file to main memory. The exception is not related particularly