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Database Management Settings

The configuration element specifies back end (database engine) settings that are relevant ... :    The element The element specifies the database file and page size settings : The initial ... the database. The element specifies the recovery file settings : The enabled attribute (whose value


to retrieve data from the database, UPDATE queries do not retrieve data from the database ... three equivalent queries increase the population size of all the countries by 10%: UPDATE Country SET population = population * 11 / 10 UPDATE Country c SET c.population = c.population * 11 / 10 UPDATE

General Settings and Logging

The configuration element specifies ObjectDB settings that are relevant to both the server ... ; The element To meet memory constraints ObjectDB can use temporary files when processing large data , such as query results that contain millions of objects. The element specifies temporary file settings

Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries

The  Query and  TypedQuery interfaces define various setting and tuning methods ... at the level of a specific query, by overriding the default EntityManager setting : // Enable query ... adds support for pessimistic locking . The setLockMode method sets a lock mode that has to be applied

Entity Management Settings

The configuration element specifies front end settings that are relevant on the client side and in ... The element specifies enhancement related settings : The agent attribute (whose value is "true" or "false ... The element specifies settings of the two cache mechanisms for entities: The ref attribute specifies

Control and Setting

This section contains miscellaneous JPA types. The PersistenceUtil and PersistenceUnitUtil interfaces provide general utility methods: The Cache interface and the CacheRetrieveMode and CacheStoreMode enum types serve in managing the EntityManagerFactory's shared (level 2) cache: Other enum types are provided for setting of various JPA operations:

Step 4: Create an ObjectDB Data Set

Queries against the database are represented in BIRT as data sets . To create the data set : Open the [New Data Set ] dialog box by right clicking the Data Sets node in the [ Data Explorer] window and selecting New Data Set . Select the data source that was created in the previous step (e.g. ObjectDB

Privacy Policy

is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use Your Personal Data ... You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. We use Your Personal data to provide and improve ... that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone or a digital tablet. Personal Data

Step 3: Create an ObjectDB Data Source

of the ObjectDB data source. The next step is using this data source to create a data set for the BIRT report. ... Connections to the database are represented in BIRT as data sources. To create an ObjectDB data source: Open the [New Data Source] dialog box by right clicking the Data Sources node in the [ Data

BIRT/ODA ObjectDB Driver

and Reporting Tools (BIRT) that adds support of ObjectDB as a data source and JPQL as a data set query ... of the ObjectDB data source. Data Sets and JPQL To create the data set : Open the [New Data Set ] dialog box by right clicking the Data Sets node in the [ Data Explorer] window and selecting New Data Set

JPA and handling large data sets

. But exporting large binary data sets is very slow. To avoid memory problems the binary data type is read step ... data sets the way is slow. We have an own entity for storing binary data (pictures, documents). Hint: The export enumerates all entities(=table) for exporting data . An overview of this problem

Database Explorer

to view data in ObjectDB databases, execute JPQL and JDOQL queries and edit the content of databases ... the shell file, setting the paths to the objectdb.jar file and to the JVM). Connecting to the Database ... Windows The Explorer provides two types of viewer windows for viewing the database data . The Table window

Shared (L2) Entity Cache

data is stored in the cache - refreshing entity objects that are already cached. The default setting ... client machines. Setting the Shared Cache The shared (L2) cache is configured in three scopes: Globally ... the cache a positive value has to be specified. Persistence Unit Settings The shared cache

ObjectDB Object Database Features

ObjectDB provides a rich set of features. Many features are implemented as part of ObjectDB's ... ). Java Data Objects (JDO) Complete JDO 2 support (passed the JDO 2 TCK). Support for JDO 3 new ... profiling sessions). Unique data structures and algorithms (as a result of years of R&D). Outperforms

JPA Persistable Types

The term persistable types refers to data types that can be used for storing data in the database ... , Mapped superclasses, Embeddable classes. Simple Java data types: Primitive types, Wrappers, String ... multiple persistent fields  would cause data duplication in the database. Entity Classes An entity

JPA Entity Fields

Hibernate) or to change default field settings . For example: @Entity public class EntityWithFieldSettings ... to be thrown on any attempt to store an entity with a null value in that field. Cascade and fetch settings ... contain data that is not stored as part of the entity in the database, but is still available

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

with data that is retrieved from the database (or from the L2 cache - if enabled). The new entity object ... is returned as is. Otherwise, the object data is retrieved from the database and a new managed entity object with that retrieved data is constructed and returned. If the object is not found in the database

Server Configuration

The configuration element specifies settings for running an ObjectDB Server . The server ... above), represents the ObjectDB home directory . The data path of an ObjectDB server is similar to the document root directory of a web server. Every database file in the data directory and in

Server User List

and specifies their specific settings (username, password, permissions, quota). The default configuration ... . A superuser is authorized to manage server settings using the ObjectDB Explorer . A value of "$default" for the username attribute indicates a virtual master user definition. All the settings of that master

Locking in JPA

update collisions resulting from simultaneous updates to the same data by two concurrent users. Locking ... _WRITE - which represents an exclusive lock. Setting a Pessimistic Lock An entity object can be locked ... can be set to allow waiting for a pessimistic lock for a specified number of milliseconds. 

Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API

ObjectDB supports two sets of comparison operators, as shown in the following table:   Set 1 - JPQL / SQL Set 2 - Java / JDO Less Than Less Than or Equal To = Equal = == Not Equal != The two sets differ in the Equal and the Not Equal operators. JPQL follows the SQL notation, where Java uses

Step 6: Set the Spring XML

.DispatcherServlet 2 spring *.html 30 index.jsp The settings above routes web requests with  .html suffix to the Spring dispatcher servlet. Additional spring configuration is set in another XML file ... content: The settings above guides Spring to support annotations (for components, controllers

Step 6: Set the Spring XML

: spring org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet 2 spring *.html 30 index.jsp The settings ... configuration is set in another XML file (whose name is derived from the name of the Spring dispatcher ... with the following new content: The settings above guides Spring to support annotations (for components

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

;provides several ways for setting the SELECT clause. Single Selection Setting a single expression ... ); The select method takes one argument of type Selection  and sets it as the SELECT clause content (overriding previously set SELECT content if any). Every valid criteria API expression

Database Replication and Clustering

with the master database. Setting a Master Database A master ObjectDB database is an ordinary database ... has to be enabled, but no other preparations or settings are required. Setting Slave Databases Setting slave ... , under the server data root directory. Starting a new replication of an existing master database

Eclipse Public License - v 1.0

that although each Contributor grants the licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances ... the copyright license set forth in this Agreement. 3. REQUIREMENTS A Contributor may choose ... Contributor must pay those damages. 5. NO WARRANTY EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT

Database Transaction Replayer

. If the purpose of the recording is data durability it might be useful to keep the recording directory on a different physical device by setting the path attribute in the configuration . The recording

What is the Java Data Objects (JDO)?

The Java Data Objects (JDO) is another standard for accessing persistent data in databases, using plain old Java objects (POJO) to represent the object model. Unlike Java Persistence API (JPA), which is designated to be used with relational databases, JDO is designated to be used

From.join(set) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.From SetJoin join (    SetAttribute   set ) Create an inner join to the specified Set -valued attribute. Parameters: set - target of the join Return: the resulting join Since: JPA 2.0

From.join(set,jt) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.From SetJoin join (    SetAttribute   set ,     JoinType  jt ) Create a join to the specified Set -valued attribute using the given join type. Parameters: set - target of the join jt - join type Return: the resulting join Since: JPA 2.0


JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.metamodel.PluralAttribute $CollectionType SET Set -valued attribute Since: JPA 2.0

CriteriaUpdate.set(attribute,value) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate CriteriaUpdate set (   Path  attribute,     Expression  value ) Update the value of the specified attribute. Parameters: attribute - attribute to be updated value - new value Return: the modified update query Since: JPA 2.1

CriteriaUpdate.set(attribute,value) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate CriteriaUpdate set (   Path  attribute,    X value ) Update the value of the specified attribute. Parameters: attribute - attribute to be updated value - new value Return: the modified update query Since: JPA 2.1

CriteriaUpdate.set(attribute,value) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate CriteriaUpdate set (    SingularAttribute  attribute,     Expression  value ) Update the value of the specified attribute. Parameters: attribute - attribute to be updated value - new value Return: the modified update query Since: JPA 2.1

CriteriaUpdate.set(attribute,value) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate CriteriaUpdate set (    SingularAttribute  attribute,    X value ) Update the value of the specified attribute. Parameters: attribute - attribute to be updated value - new value Return: the modified update query Since: JPA 2.1

CriteriaUpdate.set(attributeName,value) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate CriteriaUpdate set (   String attributeName,    Object value ) Update the value of the specified attribute. Parameters: attributeName - name of the attribute to be updated value - new value Return: the modified update query Since: JPA 2.1

JDO Annotations for Fetch Settings

All about JDO Annotations for Fetch Settings in Java/JPA database - explanations, examples, references, links and related information.

Query Parameters in JPA

can be executed a parameter value has to be set using the setParameter method. The setParameter ... string. A query can be run only after setting values for all its parameters (no matter in which order ... to JPA, which generally excels in its thin and simple API. There are 9 methods for setting parameters

JPA Metamodel API

. Three methods can be used to retrieve sets of types: // Get all the managed classes: // (entity classes, embeddable classes, mapped super classes) Set allManagedTypes = metamodel. getManagedTypes (); // Get all the entity classes: Set allEntityTypes = metamodel. getEntities (); // Get all the embeddable

JPA Primary Key

is a sequential 64 bit number ( long ) that is set automatically by ObjectDB for every new entity object ... a primary key field: @Entity public class Project { @Id @GeneratedValue long id; // still set ... generation is discussed in detail in the Generated Values section. Application Set Primary Key

Step 6: Design a BIRT Report Table

) layout. Set the column number to 2 , number of details to 1 , select the data set (e.g. Points by X ) in the third field and click OK . Fill the table with data by dragging the x and y columns from the data set in the [ Data Explorer] window (under the data set node) and dropping them on the second

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

which paths under the server data directory (as set by the data element) the user is allowed ... ), but you can override this setting using the –port command line option to specify another port, as shown ... with two sub elements, and . The sub element specifies general server settings , and the sub element

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

database object. This type of viewer is useful for viewing the data of a simple object model. In ... the content of a database. Section 9.5 explains how to define views and set other options ... you can refresh the cache and the viewer windows using the "File | Refresh Data " menu command. 9.3 

Step 5: Design a BIRT Report Chart

. In the [Select Chart Type] tab select Tube as the chart type and click Next . In the [Select Data ... these fields for content assistant) and click Next . In the [Format Chart] tab you can set the chart title ... to see the chart with the real data : In the next step we will add a table view of the same data to the report.

Query.setResult(data) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.Query void setResult (   String  data ) Specifies what type of data this query should return. If this is unset or set to null , this query returns instances of the query's candidate class. If set , this query will return expressions, including field values

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

of the database requires an active transaction. The focus of this chapter is on setting up a runtime ... that identifies the property, and a value for that property. The two properties that are set in the code ... of the PersistenceManagerFactory : // Using the setter methods: pmf.setConnectionURL("objectdb://localhost/ data .odb

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

;Persistent Classes Only classes that represent data in the database should be declared persistent ... and Hashtable , and the interfaces - Collection , Set , List and Map . java.math.BigInteger and java.math ... value. Similarly, a field whose type is one of the persistent collection interfaces ( Collection , Set


JDO Static Field in javax.jdo.spi.JDOPermission SET _STATE_MANAGER An instance of JDOPermission to be used for setStateManager permission checking. Since: JDO 1.0


Since: JDO 2.0 void setConnectionDriverName (String driverName) Set the driver name for the data store ... void setConnectionFactory (Object connectionFactory) Set the data store connection factory. JDO ... . Since: JDO 1.0 void setConnectionFactory2 (Object connectionFactory) Set the second data store


;pc) Delete the persistent instance from the data store. This method must be called in an active transaction. The data store object will be removed at commit. Unlike makePersistent , which makes the closure of the instance persistent, the closure of the instance is not deleted from the data store