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1-50 of 58 resultsRT Java application recording into 100DB run OOM after a few hours. Hi, I am running a java application that records data from 100 feeds into 100 different database - this is done is one thread. It works fine several hours - and suddenly i got an out of memory issue (I checked there is no leak in java - I cleared the entity manager every 10 new entity) - I run | |
Date and Time in JPQL and Criteria Queries , HOUR , MINUTE and SECOND . For example: YEAR({d '2011-12-31'}) is evaluated to 2011 . MONTH({d '2011-12-31'}) is evaluated to 12 . DAY({d '2011-12-31'}) is evaluated to 31 . HOUR ({t '23:59:00 ... that extract time parts: Expression hour = cb. function (" hour ", Integer.class, time); Expression minute | |
Grouping by date()'}) is evaluated to 12. DAY({d '2011-12-31'}) is evaluated to 31. HOUR ({t '23:59:00'}) is evaluated to 23. MINUTE ... ) - Extracts the time part ( hour , minute, second, millisecond) as a Date instance. Please try ... You are right, Calendar. HOUR was used in resetting the time part instead of Calendar. HOUR _OF_DAY   | |
ObjectDB is opening too many sockets after few hours with Too many open connections (55) exception. 2. Not much a question ... :49:20.177615 socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP) = 80622 Next occurence couple hours later ... _linger=0}, 8) = 0 I tried to start ObjectDB Server on my working computer with MacOS for few hours | |
Occasionally slow requests in load testing the database file is resized approximately every hour . Each time at the same time we see these slow ... , to avoid resizing. The initial size was set to 4.5GB. It was running great for 6 hours ... the behavior we are observing - running fine for 6 hours and then slowing down. It is of course | |
query on calendar class {ts '23:00:00'}", Cdr.class); Query query=em.createQuery("SELECT c FROM Cdr c where HOUR ({ts c.start}) = 23", Cdr.class); Query query=em.createQuery("SELECT c FROM Cdr c where HOUR ({t c.start}) = 23 ... rewrite manual functions. I should use HOUR (c.start) instead of HOUR ({t c.start}).Correct query look | |
Date field Index is corrupted due to time change one hour back and moved from CEST to CET time. We store time data as part of the object ... to us to know if time change, in particular back one hour , may have impact on the operation of Object ... to the DB change the system time zone to B (we used Australia/Brisbane which is 1 hour back from | |
Join performance in Objectdb a command cause me half an hour and is running now! Each table has about 160K records. What formula can predict the time for such counting? TIA gzdillon Lai Yang Now, after 2 hours ... AND Anyway, this still doesn't justify execution time of hours . Since you didn't provide a test | |
java.sql.Date equals comparison not working with CriteriaAPI; cal.set(Calendar. HOUR _OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar ... (Calendar. HOUR _OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);   | |
Failed to read DB file while online backup is running also paste my code for the online backuping which I launch automatically every few hours . I ... which are older than 2 hours File backupDirToTrim = QuantServerImpl.getInstance().getCompanyDB | |
Group by date / time , DAY , HOUR , MINUTE , SECOND ) was just added to ObjectDB in build 2.2.8_02. For example ... ; " HOUR (e.t), MINUTE(e.t), SECOND(e.t) FROM MyEntity e",   | |
Wrong data stored in time only fields" when it should be set to "01 Jan 1970 hh:mm:ss". Usually the value is wrong by 24 hours ... (Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar. HOUR , 0 | |
Out of memory; lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski Some new data. After 5 hours of running database memory usage is quite high ... to 512MB, so database should crash much faster. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski That was fast. Few hours | |
Feature Request for database.obj$ file and more) tend to have big $files even if nobody is working for hours . That means if an automatic ... for hours . sometimes it even takes longer than 3 minutes. That seems unusual and may require | |
explorer NullPointerException I studied ObjectDB a few hours ago and got some problems when use explorer. I run it and right-click in 'Open local database' window,and the all the pop menu item is gray and disabled,such as ‘new database’,'new directory','cut','copy' ... if I click 'tools---options' before open database | |
Mismatch client-server protocol prefix Hello! We migrated one of our legacy webservices to Spring Boot/Spring MVC. Now i have a strange problem. At first the app runs perfectly for a couple of hours . After that it stops working and I get the following exception: 2015-06-17 01:16:28.450 ERROR 25197 --- [ajp-nio-8053-exec-4] o.a.c.c.C | |
ObjectDB CRUD Examples. It would probably take several hours but may save later much more. This is especially important | |
Spring Data JPA - PersistenceException thrown After a few hours of debugging, I found that the MetaModel is for JPA 1.0 spec. The dependency listed | |
Vacuum - Reclaiming Unused Space In Odb of hours so we are investigating other strategies such as the Doctor utility. CAPdev CAP Dev   | |
Query filter comparing Dates the database as time (e.g. in milliseconds) since 1.1.1970 UTC. For TemporalType.DATE the hours | |
ObjectDB size not reducing smaller(it gets bigger) each hour as record count reduces. Trianglehead Json Error When objects | |
Updating Entities regarding the UPDATE queries since simply constructing this top level class will take many hours | |
alter table.objectdb.Doctor old.odb new.odb Besides, I've stocked more than an hour , after the above command for a 10GB | |
Should I use ObjectDB and JDO? have also spent many, many hours over many years comparing DBMS products going back to Itasca. I | |
Wrong data stored in date only fileds, for example 2am on the 25/10/2015 Madrid time (when clock goes back 1 hour at 3am), Object DB puts | |
100% CPU when using multiple BETWEEN prolancer Emil Andonov Thanks. Download is very slow and could take many hours | |
find repeated records by JPQL Hi, I know a single command in MySQL can find repeated records: Select * from TTT t where id in (select id from TTT s group id having count(id)1) I dont know how to do this using JPQL, but I use query from 430,000 records and put them into hashmap, finally it cost one hour and failed: Exception in | |
Slow loading from db a long time (more than 10 minute, maybe hours ?). I am using "pm.getFetchPlan().addGroup | |
Session lost hi team we are implementing a web application based on the Liferay, system database is handled by JPA 2.0 and entity manager. when system is idle for a long period (for example 8 hours ) the Session in the Persistance Context will be lost and the DB will be out of the access, is there any possible | |
Maven repo down? ... No go anahata Pablo Same for me... mimac Milan Fabian The Maven server was moved now to the new host and should work again. It may take, however, a few hours for the DNS to be updated. support Support | |
New Index causing When starting it on another instance, the app got just hanging for hours , JConsole | |
How to creat a Query with Sql which returns a List marks mailed me that he has this problem. after sm hours i dont know what to do... public | |
JPQL keyword in entity - what to do? Support Works perfectly now. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski For last few hours I was playing | |
Failed to read the value of field using reflection (error 363) version 1.6 u37. After updating to 1.6 u39 (around 3 hours ago), we have not encountered the problem | |
Failover from Master to Slave cart because that would require a database write. If the master is down for even an hour | |
stress test -> com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null or half an hour , or even an hour , depending on the load. Another point is that ObjectDB doesn't ... out of memory in ~20 minutes. With a heap of 512 MB, in around 240 min (4 hours ). Both cases ... to take a screenshot of the 20 minutes experiment in jVisualVM, but I took for the 4 hours | |
ObjectDB 2.3.6 Improved performance of collection and map size evaluation in queries. Fixed a critical bug in page caching (issues #610 , #621 , #625 ). Fixed a bug in optimization of non ASCII string indexes. Fixed the new query HOUR function to return hours as 0 to 23 (using 24- hour clock). Fixed a regression | |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException. The size of the database is cca 42 MB Configuration is default: The problem occurs once after several hours ... during our stress systems tests, where many threads are running concurently and usually after some hours | |
Inverse OneToMany Mapping and EmbeddedId; byte day; byte hour ; } Query: select,,,,, hour , v.value from PlatformSensor ps, Value v where ps.sensor | |
Database access error , Doctor hanging on trying to repair, production shutdown at our biggest customer, just no activity for hours (0 processor usage), no error message, nothing hgzwicker Hans ... . You may want to block access to it now. support Support After many hours of post mortem analysis | |
Memory leak in com.objectdb.o.CST, after a couple hours of using latest version in production, object db process started using lots | |
each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other is lower just because it was evening / night and not peak hours ? may be the reindexing on startup | |
Unexpected error when loading all entity instance hours and now I have a corrupted database file again. The output of the Doctor: Global Value Errors | |
Server out of memory exceptions ok for a hour on a subsequent rerun. I'll let you know if I ever pin this down... felixobjectdb | |
Exception makes the system unusable for several minutes as it takes around 6-8 hours hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker a more complete section | |
Once served to JSF page via @EJB query bean, many list fields are null (but same query ok after fresh persist in @PostConstruct) hours of my time. Please attend to this as soon as possible and fix this carefully. I look forward | |
Logical "or" works not correcly when field is @Id and first position changes query behaviour to wrong. Netzverb Andreas Göbel One more hours of research later | |
Weird issue with variable naming hi, We've hit again against troubles with the variable naming when trying to get the query string with CriteriaQuery.toString(). I've tried three hours to replicate it without success, all I can say is that we do a LEFT JOIN on an embedded property as well as ordering is involved in selection | |
[ObjectDB 2.6.9] Unexpected exception (Error 990) production it takes about 18 hours , and finish ok! jastorga Juan This report is similar to the report |