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OEM: Too many persistable types (>10) - exceeds evaluation limit (error 1011)

persistable types (>10) - exceeds evaluation limit (error 1011) at com.objectdb/com.objectdb.jdo.JdoQuery ... (with ObjectDB Enhanced classes) but my application fails with the error above when I ... HAS been " + "performed."); else System.out.format("ERROR! ObjectDB class enhancing has NOT been performed

Source not found error after downloading ObjectDB 2.3.7_04

> I am getting an error Source attachment does not contain source for File PMF.class. Pallavi pallavi You have to provide more details. What kind of error ... > If it is a compilation error or an IDE error - provide a full error message and a screen shot

JPQL Error

version in Maven: 2.8.8 (I don't know how comes 2.8.1 comes in the error message) When I try to run jpql, it gives this error [ObjectDB 2.8.1] Unexpected exception (Error 990) Generated by OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.17 (on Linux 5.15.0

Failed to resize file - file system limitation error

Hi,  we are having production problems with ObjectDB and the below error in ... ://">

Error 363 - Failed to read value of inverse relationship

(error 363) at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getResultList( at com.pvdc.odb.ODBHelper ... . The same error comes up with both of them. If you help me to find the problem, I will be grateful. I ... . The error log is as follows:   WARNING: DTX5014: Caught exception in

[ObjectDB 2.5.6_05] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

The server is still working, but I have this error in the log.   [2014-08-24 02:49:32 #33 server] [ObjectDB 2.5.6_05] Unexpected exception (Error 990 ... > Please report this error on com.objectdb.o.InternalException

Internal error

(Error 990) Generated by Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_131 (on Linux 4.13.0-16-generic). Please report this error on com.objectdb.o ... possible. sjzlondon Steve Zara The situation that caused this error was this:  In

out of memory error

> [ObjectDB 2.6.7_05] Unexpected exception (Error 990) Generated by Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_91 (on Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3). Please report this error ... exception (Error 990) Generated by Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_91 (on Windows Server 2012

Querying error - java.lang.ClassCastException: com.objectdb.o.STV

% 100% Global Value Errors ------------------- [1] Unexpected last index ID ... : 8719319783396618851 (expected 2816) Page Relation Errors -------------------- [1] Page #474 ... Szurgot The page relation errors might indicate a deeper problem in the database file

InternalException - error reading field from "queue" database

the following error on the receiver side: 2011-07-25 10:54:25,023 AdminServer-Callback-Instance-2/0 ERROR ServiceRunner - Error processing message. rbccm.felix.framework.ApplicationException: Error taking message from ObjectDB queue at rbccm.felix.objectdb.messaging