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Mismatch client-server protocol prefix

.objectdb.o.UserException: Mismatch client-server protocol prefix; nested exception is javax.persistence.PersistenceException: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Mismatch client-server protocol prefix ... if the versions match. They do. DB server version 2.6.2. Client version 2.6.2

Client server mode no longer works after JRE install

Hi I had client server mode working with no problems with my application ... \jre7\bin\server\jvm.dll' on a client machine. It worked in embedded mode but not client server mode ... there were no problems, client server mode once again worked. However, when the jre was reinstalled

client server mod of communication

Hi,    I want to use in client Server mode one is client and another in server mode. Assume that one server is there and 'n' number of clients are there each client wants to communicate with server, in client server mode.    1)EntityManagerFactory emf

lockfiles in client/server mode

a collision of the server and the client that try using the same directory for their temporary files. ) in a way that it will be accessible by both the server and the client. i have an objectdb server running on localhost as user "objectdb", spawned like

Online Backup in client-server mode

Hello, we have issue with online-backup when using client-server mode.Actually in client-server mode you have two options for online backup: client. This is useful when the client and the server are not on the same machine

Changing from client server to embedded mode

Server mmode. It worked as per my expection. In Client server mode I used Client Server mode. kindly provide information how to switch from client server mode to embedded mode. As I

BIRT plugin: Trouble with Client/Server connection

I am having trouble setting up the birt points.odb sample with a client/server ... database or a client-server remote database by the BIRT plugin are not expected. The connection using the server url fails the ping test. 

Catching exceptions from client-server mode online backup

file? on the server, client or both? If you get the stack trace also on the client ... server-side online backup (as discussed in   support Support We are getting the log only on client-side. You're right 

NullPointer running multiple client against server

client-server in one of the clients - if the database is new and that client gets to know the types in ... Hi, I'm running objectdb in server mode, config as it comes ... embedded mode and it works fine with many writers and readers. However, in server mode I'm

objectdb.home for client/server

working on client/server mode. However, without setting this in our client, he complains about the missing objectdb.conf. Why is this required? Can't the server deliver it? Most of the time we do not even know where our object db home is located at as we might have multiple server instances running