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ODB tries to create log files inside its own jar on Win7

, and they were unable to run it.  The stack traces they sent me indicated that ODB was trying to create its log ... "> [code]Caused by: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed to create a new file 'rsrc:objec tdb.jar\log\odb20120417.log' at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d( at com.objectdb.o.LFL.L(LFL

Problem with log file in an embedded db with netbeans platform application

\log\odb20110921.log (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)    ... \ProteoB\ProteoApp\build\cluster\modules\ext\log\odb20110921.log'     at com.objectdb.o ... ;/properties>     </persistence-unit> It seems that the objectdb logging

Failed to write to ObjectDB log file

_v2.8.3\plugins\log\odb20130502.log my program is a Cytoscape plugin. marcins Marcin ObjectDB has no permission to create a log file at the default path. Possible solutions: Change the location of the log files to log_element

Undeployment of an remote Glassfish application locks objectdb log file

an admin password on the Glassfish server and enable "secure admin". Now, log in remotely ... in use" error message. Because the "odbxxxxxx.log" file is in use by an java process. If I ... what happens if you log_element">configure ObjectDB to use

$temp property not evaluated properly when used in log path

I have the following lines in my objectdb.conf file: <log path="$temp/ObjectDB/log/" max="8mb" stdout="false" stderr="false" /> <log-archive path="$temp/ObjectDB/log/archive/" retain="90" /> I don't believe that the $temp property

Is redirecting the log file possible

). This directory is protected by the O/S and therefore objectdb has problem creating its log file. log-file somewhere more convenient? Knut Hansson Knut Hansson Yes, you can log

Failed to create a new file 'target\objectdb\log\archive' (error 112)

on the folder "target\objectdb". The folder "target\objectdb\log" does not exist yet. Do we have to create ... .server:integration-test] Failed to create a new file 'target\objectdb\log\archive' (error 112) [11:47:18]: [com ... , which should create the log directory if it does not exist yet (and there are sufficient privileges). support Support

message: RetrievalTask in log

in the log: ... [2019-03-01 11:53:40 #5 store]  RetrievalTask.reportPrimaryResult0 ... Hans-Georg Zwicker This logging information is written in addition to throwing an exception. Do you see that exception in the log? Maybe it was caught by your application? This log message by

Deleting archive log folder causes exception

Hello, we have observed strange behaviour when we delete odb archive log directory. We are running long term tests and during it we are deleting all logs that are not needed keeping the system running. When the "archive/" folder, where odb logs are archived, is deleted

log entry and massive performance issues

>- we have this log entry in our log: ... RetrievalTask.reportPrimaryResult0: page#13887921, reader ... should be followed by an exception, do you have a stack trace of such an exception in the log? Did you get that log error once or is it repeating? Does it happen when the slow removal happens?