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Database Server

Server tool is bundled in the objectdb.jar file . You can run it from the command line as follows: java ... a configuration file explicitly -port   :  override configuration's server port -silent ... .jar file and to the JVM. Consult your operating system documentation on how to run the server in

JPA Lifecycle Events

listeners can only be specified in a mapping XML file because there is no equivalent annotation: The mapping file has to be located either in the default location, META-INF/orm.xml , or in another location

Storing JPA Entity Objects

mapping file : The mapping file has to be located either in the default location, META-INF/orm.xml

ObjectDB License Agreement [ver. 2.0.4]

of classes and objects in a database file s . The full edition of the Software (without the restrictions ... purchased an ObjectDB OEM license and it has not been expired. Only the ObjectDB runtime jar file

Shared (L2) Entity Cache

side: Cache of database file pages . Cache of query programs . Cache of query execution results ... in the ObjectDB configuration. Per persistence unit in the persistence.xml   file . Per entity

ObjectDB Overview

/ JDO product. Suitable for database files ranging from kilobytes to terabytes. Supports both Client ... a single file . Advanced querying and indexing capabilities. Effective in heavy loaded multi-user

Index Definition

for every index. A BTree is an ordered map data structure that ObjectDB maintains in the file

ObjectDB License

Free License ObjectDB can be downloaded and used at no cost (including commercially)  with the restriction of a maximum of  10 entity classes and one million entity objects per database file . This could be useful for small projects, academic assignments, evaluation and learning

Database Schema Evolution

explains how to specify such changes in the configuration file .

Step 6: Run the Java EE 6 Application

] window), selecting  Run File , and then clicking  OK (no need to change the servlet execution URI). Since we are using ObjectDB in embedded mode - the database file is created ... server and open the database file in ObjectDB Explorer : This is the end of the tutorial. Learn more about ObjectDB and JPA by reading the Manual .

Step 6: Run the Web Application

), selecting Run File , and then clicking  OK (no need to change the servlet execution URI). Since we are using ObjectDB in embedded mode - the database file is created under the Tomcat directory. You can stop the Tomcat server and open the database file in ObjectDB Explorer : This is the end

Step 1: Create a Web Project

We start by creating a new Eclipse Dynamic Web Project: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Web Dynamic Web Project and click Next . Choose a Project Name (e ... .jar file from the file system and dropping it on the WEB-INF/lib node in the Eclipse Project Explorer

Step 1: Create a Java Project

We start by creating a new Java project, using: File New Project... If you are using Eclipse IDE ... ) and click Next . In the Libraries tab, click Add External JARs... and select the objectdb.jar file from ... the objectdb.jar file , using: Right Clicking on the Project Properties Java Build Path Libraries Add External

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - NetBeans Project

and extract the project zip file : Spring MVC JPA - Maven Project (8KB) Open the Maven project in NetBeans: Select  File Open Project... . Select the  guestbook-spring directory and click  Open ... the transaction type from RESOURCE_LOCAL to JTA in the persistence.xml file . If  a browser is not opened - open it at http://localhost:8080/Guestbook/.

Report Generation with BIRT and JPA

simple as possible - we will use the basic  points.odb ObjectDB database file from the Getting Started tutorial. The database file contains 1,000 Point entity objects, which represent points

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

and paste to fill the new source file with the following content: package tutorial; import ... indicates that a persistence unit definition in an XML file is missing. This is discussed in the ObjectDB

JPA Web App Tutorial - NetBeans Project

To open and run the  JPA Web Application tutorial project in NetBeans: Download and extract the project zip file : JPA Web App - Maven Project (6KB) Open the Maven project in NetBeans: Select  File Open Project... . Select the  guestbook-web directory and click  Open

Step 1: Create a Java Project

We start by creating a new NetBeans Project: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Java Java Application and click Next . Choose a Project Name (e.g. Tutorial ... ] window and select Add Jar/Folder... Select the objectdb.jar file from the bin subdirectory

Java EE 6 JPA Tutorial - Eclipse Project

To open and run the Java EE 6 Web Application tutorial project in Eclipse: Download and extract the project zip file : Java EE JPA Web App - Maven Project (7KB) Open the Maven project in Eclipse: Select  File Import... Maven Existing Maven Projects and click  Next . Select

Step 6: Run the Java EE 6 Application

- the database file is created under the GlassFish directory (e.g. at domains\domain1\eclipseApps\Guestbook\WEB-INF ). You can stop the GlassFish server and open the database file in ObjectDB Explorer

Step 6: Run the Web Application

- the database file is created under the Tomcat directory. You can stop the Tomcat server and open the database file in ObjectDB Explorer : This is the end of the tutorial. Learn more about ObjectDB and JPA by reading the Manual .

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - Eclipse Project

To open and run the  Spring MVC JPA tutorial project in Eclipse: Download and extract the project zip file : Spring MVC JPA - Maven Project (8KB) Open the Maven project in Eclipse: Select  File Import... Maven Existing Maven Projects and click  Next . Select the  guestbook

Java EE 6 JPA Tutorial - NetBeans Project

To open and run the  Java EE 6 Web Application tutorial project in NetBeans: Download and extract the project zip file : Java EE JPA Web App - Maven Project (7KB) Open the Maven project in NetBeans: Select  File Open Project... . Select the  guestbook-jee6 directory

Getting Started with JPA - NetBeans Project

To open and run the  Quick Start with JPA tutorial project in NetBeans: Download and extract the project zip file : Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project (3KB) Open the Maven project in NetBeans: Select File Open Project... . Select the points-console directory and click Open Project . Run

Getting Started with JPA - IntelliJ Project

To open and run the  Quick Start with JPA tutorial project in IntelliJ IDEA: Download and extract the project zip file : Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project (3KB) Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA: Select File Open Project... . Select the points-console directory and click Open Project

JPA Web App Tutorial - Eclipse Project

To open and run the  JPA Web Application tutorial project in Eclipse: Download and extract the project zip file : JPA Web App - Maven Project (6KB) Open the Maven project in Eclipse: Select  File Import... Maven Existing Maven Projects and click  Next . Select the 

Step 1: Create a Java EE Web Project

We start by creating a new Java EE 6 Web Application project in NetBeans: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Java Web Web Application and click Next . Choose ... ] window and select Add Jar/Folder... Select the objectdb.jar file from the bin subdirectory

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

to create the new class. Use copy and paste to replace the new source file content with the following ... definition in an XML file is missing. This is discussed in the ObjectDB Manual

Step 2: Create a Project and a Report

To use BIRT we need to create a BIRT Report project in Eclipse: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools Report Project ... file name (e.g. report.rptdesign ) and click Finish. The next step is creating an ObjectDB data source .

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

File ] dialog box by right clicking the guest package node (in the [Projects] window) and selecting New ... to create the new listener class. Now replace the content of the new source file with the following

Getting Started with JPA - Eclipse Project

To open and run the Quick Start with JPA tutorial project in Eclipse: Download and extract the project zip file : Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project (3KB) Open the Maven project in Eclipse: Select File Import... Maven Existing Maven Projects and click Next . Select the points-console

Step 1: Create a Web Project

We start by creating a new NetBeans Web Application Project: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Java Web Web Application and click Next . Choose a Project ... and select Add Jar/Folder... Select the objectdb.jar file from the bin subdirectory of the ObjectDB

Eclipse/JPA Spring MVC Web Tutorial

project. Therefore, required JAR files (ObjectDB, Spring Framework) will be downloaded automatically

JPA Web App Tutorial - Maven Project

.xml file ) and port 8080 has to be available for the Jetty embedded server. No need to download

Step 4: Add a Controller Class

the new Spring Controller class. Now replace the content of the new source file with the following code

Step 4: Add a Servlet Class

to create the new servlet class. Now replace the content of the new source file with the following code

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

of the new source file with the following code: package guest; import javax.persistence.*; import javax

Getting Started with JPA and Eclipse

distribution zip file . The distribution zip contains everything necessary (no external dependencies

Java EE JPA Tutorial - Maven Project

. You will have to deploy the generated WAR file in your GlassFish server. You may also open and run the Maven

Step 3: Define an EJB Session Bean

) class. Now replace the content of the new source file with the following code: package guest; import

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

replace the content of the new source file with the following code: package guest; import java.util.List

Step 3: Create an ObjectDB Data Source

the database connection url: Download and save the points.odb  database file (from the Quick

NetBeans/JPA Spring MVC Web Tutorial

a Maven project. Therefore, required JAR files (ObjectDB, Spring Framework) will be downloaded

Step 3: Add a Main Class

to create the class. Copy and paste the following code to the newly created class file : package

Step 4: Add a Controller Class

replace the content of the new source file with the following code: package guest; import javax.servlet

Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project

The current directory should be points-console (containing the pom.xml file ). No need to download

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

and paste to replace the new source file content with the following code: package guest; import

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

replace the content of the new source file with the following code: package guest; import java.util

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

. But, because these classes are not described in the JDO metadata files , the enhancer identifies them as not

ObjectDB 1.0 Manual

database files in the database explorer. Prerequisite Knowledge A prior knowledge of database programming