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Eclipse plugin problem (using ObjectDB as a separate bundle)

), click Validate Plugin -ins button (third on right from below, counting vertically from the "Close" button. Finally click Run (first button on last row) For the "Groovy" plugin (see update site ... .lab plugin , right click, select "Configure" in the popup menu and then select "Convert to Groovy

ObjectDB eclipse plugin

Hello, Creating an eclipse plugin from the downloadable objectdb.jar file DOES NOT work in the eclipse OSGi environment (at least that is my experience). Could we have a genuine eclipse plugin from ObjectDB that works? You already have a plugin that integrates Objectdb with BIRT

BIRT plugin: Trouble with Client/Server connection

.1.me201311281640     ObjectDB Birt Plugin -     ObjectDB ... if your issue is with the BIRT plugin (as stated in the title) or generally with running an ObjectDB Server and accessing it. The BIRT plugin uses the main ObjectDB library for accessing the database

Difficulty with the BIRT plugin

Hi, am trying to get the BIRT plugin to work. Firstly: connecting to an odb server doesn't seem to work (incompatible versions) - but there isn't any way to find out what version the BIRT plugin ... that is embedded in the plugin (it will become more flexible when support of using ObjectDB as a separate

ObjectDB current status of the BIRT plugin

? - Is there any place where I could download a standalone version of the plugin ? - What versions of Eclipse are supported for the plugin ? martijnvt Martijn van Tilburg Sorry, there was a problem

Maven Enhancement with OSGi Plugins

Hello, I've an OSGi environment and try to enhance Classes with Maven as it is described in your tutorials. Now I get ClassNotFoundException's with some entity classes, which contains enums from other plugins . Is there a way to include classes in enhancement process? Thanks for your help

JPA Class Enhancer

defines a Java compiler plugin that includes enhancement: ...    ...         ... org.codehaus.mojo       exec-maven- plugin    

Remove an entity which attributes were changed - OptimisticLockException

We use an OSGi environment and we have three OSGi plugins .   In plugin A an entity is loaded and the entity is passed to plugin B. Plugin B changes an attribute on the entity. Plugin C removes ... lock exception of the removed entity. If this operations on the entity are executed in only one plugin

BeanCreationException in spring data JPA with objectDB

. plugin .Jetty6PluginWebAppContext.doStart( at org.mortbay.component ... .mortbay.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start( at org.mortbay.jetty. plugin .Jetty6PluginServer.start( at org.mortbay.jetty. plugin .AbstractJettyMojo

ClassCastException of same object type

and retrieving objects ok in the main project. However, when I make a plugin for the project, the new ... a plugin I am making for the project to do team scoring. (I expect I will have similar problems in other plugins I have in mind) To hopefully make it clearer, the following method

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

1.6.10 org.apache.maven. plugins maven-compiler- plugin 1.7 1.7 org.codehaus.mojo exec-maven- plugin 1 ... - plugin 6.1.10 10 foo 9999 start-jetty pre-integration-test run 0 true stop-jetty post-integration-test

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

;  org.apache.maven. plugins      maven-compiler- plugin      ... ; exec-maven- plugin      1.2           ... ;       org.mortbay.jetty      maven-jetty- plugin  

Better support for ObjectDB in Eclipse Plugins

ObjectDB can be used in Eclipse plugin , but currently it has to be embedded in the plugin and cannot be used from other plugins in which it is not embedded. More details can be found in the following forum threads: ObjectDB eclipse plugin Eclipse plugin problem (using ObjectDB as a separate bundle

Eclipse4 RCP - No Persistence provider for EntityManager

one : Project X ( Plugin Project with a product file to start the application) - product dependencies are added : objectdb, javax.persistence, javax.transaction - javax.persistence is imported in the plugins ... in the plugin project (also tried the src folder itself) but it seems that it don't get found if I

Spring MVC Errors

:// (old link) any ideas ? I installed m2eclipse plugin and Maven Integration ... eclipse I still have a error like this:   Description Resource Path Location Type Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven- plugin :1.2:java (execution


.createEntityManagerFactory(Unknown Source)....."  I have wrapped the objectdb.jar in a plugin and added tat ... an example. support Support The project is attached. Included is the plugin wrapped objectDb runtime. cmahony Craig Mahony It seems that currently ObjectDB has to be embedded in the plugin and trying

JBoss 7 startup fails

-maven- plugin      1.2             ... is: Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven- plugin :1.2:java ... instructions for reproducing these two problems, starting with IDE downloading and installation, plugins

JBOSS AS7 7.1.1 - Entity not persisted and createNamedQuery fire exception

added the in the pom.xml when building the war     org.apache.maven. plugins     maven-war- plugin     2.1.1           ... ; ...     org.apache.maven. plugins     maven-war- plugin    

Eclipse/JPA Spring MVC Web Tutorial

(Maven plugin ) including  Maven Integration for WTP (in m2eclipse extras). The tutorial was written

Step 7: Run the Spring Web App

Maven Jetty plugin : Right click the project node and select Run As Maven Build... Enter 

Step 1: Install BIRT and ObjectDB Driver

installing the BIRT plugins  using the Eclipse Update Manager (updating Eclipse IDE

Step 7: Run the Spring Web App

the embedded Maven Jetty plugin : Right click the project node and select Custom Goals... Enter 

package not found running ObjectDB under OSGi

Hi I have created in Eclipse a new plugin from existing jar file and than I tried to enhance ... to the NamedCoreObj class. Also package datamodel.core.base was set in my primary plugin as ... regarding using ObjectDB in an Eclipse plugin . support Support

Gradle-Kotlin Code Contributions

projects. The following Tutorial Gradle-Kotlin looks okay to me so far: Ron plugins { id("java ... . Please post anything you think might be useful to me or anyone else.   plugins { id("java ... choice when working with Gradle-Kotlin. - Ron plugins { id("java") } repositories { mavenCentral

ObectDb 2.3.6 in OSGi environment

ObjectDb and another bundle which includes the POJO models. Everytime I start in plugin evironement ... bundle I'm trying to call the second bundle in following way with a JUnit Plugin test: TypedQuery ... javax.persistence from eclipse plugins and not from objectDb. Thanks for you help BR Peter PeterG Peter

objectdb:2.8.4 - Error occurred during initialization of boot layer

\ plugins \junit\lib\junit5-rt.jar;C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1\ plugins \junit\lib\junit-rt ... \ThirdPartyLibs\ plugin _jre1_5_0_0_6.jar;D:\Projects\Anritsu\Perforce\ws_alexander.golyshkin_ALL\DEV\RTD_7_6_0_JAVA

Memory Leaks after COMMIT operation (checked on versions 2.6.5 & 2.6.6.b01)

. plugins         ... ; | | +---com.anritsu.pa3. plugins .imports.ttcn3xml.parsers.TTCN3XmlParser.parse(InputStream)  

Failed to write to ObjectDB log file

I get an Error message: Failed to create a new file 'file:C:\Programme\Cytoscape_v2.8.3\ plugins \log\odb20130502.log my program is a Cytoscape plugin . marcins Marcin ObjectDB has no permission to create a log file at the default path. Possible solutions: Change the location of the log files

Eclipse Browser

Request for an eclipse browser plugin . Ideally this plugin would allow read-only access to embedded databases. dmoshal David Moshal

odb files and config file

and found it somewhere in my workspace metadata (eclipse plugins ). What can I do to save the odb files in ... '/db/account.odb' viewId=/index.xhtml location=/Users/USER/workspace/.metadata/. plugins /org.eclipse

Suggest link to Maven example from Enhancer tool page

The maven plugin example here is incomplete: Taken literally it can't work because it's missing this:     ...                 exec-maven- plugin      

Reporting Engine?

for report generation. In short, you have to install an additional plugin in Eclipse EE (using  Help Install New Software...) from: The plugin includes an implementation

Remove a modified entity cause an optimistic lock exception

are equivalent, please execute (in the OSGi example as a plugin -test ... . Please clean and build the example in eclipse before you execute the plugin test SetAndRemoveIssue. btc_es

Maven driven compile time ehnancement

;     org.codehaus.mojo     exec-maven- plugin     1.2   ... - plugin :1.2:java (default) @ project-domain --- [ObjectDB 2.2.2 Enhancer] 4 persistable types

Failed to generate dynamic type

conflict. It could be the result of using multiple Eclipse plugins with ObjectDB (see this issue ... . We are not using any Eclipse Plugins (we run NetBeans in house) and this occurs when running in

problems with OEM license/enhancing

we did add this section to our maven pom.xml (from within Eclipse): ... ... org.codehaus.mojo exec-maven- plugin 1.2 enhance process-classes java com.objectdb.Enhancer com.agile.hummingbird.Document ... - plugin     1.0.0              

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

scripts (like ANT for example), but in most Java IDEs a plugin is required to integrate a JDO enhancer into the IDE Build command. A simple alternative that does not require a plugin and works on any

Jboss 6 persistence.xml startup error

. plugins .dependency.AbstractKernelController] (WorkerThread#0[]) Error installing

ObjectDB JDBC to Object compiler

Hello , some products developed by JDBC , So we cannot use ObjectDB. My idea is , you can make JDBC To ObjectDB wizard compiler or something like this. You can eliminate JDBC Requests from Java Code. It can be Intellij or Eclipse IDE plugin for ObjectDB.   It dedects strings and combinations

Duplicate Entity class names causes Exception in Query

. If you have an Eclipse EE install ( I have helios ) you only need install the glassfish 3.1 plugin

zip file or JAR manifest missing

server, Eclipse plugin , etc. - please provide more details and a test case.   support Support

How to resolve 404 errors with Eclipse/Maven Spring MVC

maven plugin and directly from the maven command line. Jetty should work from both places

JRebel integration feature

disabled. I am a big fan of JRebel "hot deployment" technology: 'JRebel is a JVM- plugin that makes

Is there any GUI for creating/editing entity?

I see, thank you for your response. I want you to consider its eclipse plugin version, If you will.   pikotenta pikotenta

Remove an entity which attributes were changed

We use an OSGi environment and we have three OSGi plugins .   In plugin A an entity is loaded and the entity is passed to plugin B. Plugin B changes an attribute on the entity. Plugin C removes ... only one plugin , it works well.   Why the ObjectDB want to commit the changes of the entity

ObjectDB BIRT Driver Update

if there is no match. There is a report of an exception on attempt to update the ObjectDB BIRT plugin in ... ObjectDB server versions, and maybe also help with updating the plugin in an existing Eclipse workspace ... \. plugins \\db\ is empty... Log dump: eclipse

Schema-Update: Deactivation of automatic entity class removing and introduction of a new class remove in the schema config

less PlugIns ). This presents us with further challenges when we have made changes to DB schema for new ... the future we plan to extends our application via plugins and then we will get problems with our update concept, because it would be a very big effort to recognize data of plugins in

Feature suggestion: Improved Maven Enhancer support

There may a way to achieve recursive application of the enhancer using the maven plugin approach using maven tricks, but the current way of specifying arguments is a bit tedious ... plugin . Maybe all the class files in the target directories can be scanned automatically and enhanced if necessary. support Support

BIRT Driver Improvements

, the plugin doesn't contain a specific version of ObjectDB anymore, so it will be able to use any ObjectDB ... , so you can just drop the last objectdb.jar file and the two attached jar files in your Eclipse plugins directory

Why does ObjectDB duplicate classes from javax.jdo:jdo-api?

a Maven plugin to detect duplicate classes and resources, it points out that both ObjectDB and the JDO API