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Spring MVC Errors

plugin and Maven Integration for WTP and then I import Maven project from disk and this is what I ... >   Description Resource Path Location Type Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2:java (execution: enhance, phase: process

Eclipse4 RCP - No Persistence provider for EntityManager

> Project X (Plugin Project with a product file to start the application) - product dependencies ... in the plugins manifest  after the bundle is activated I'm calling  plugin project (also tried the src folder itself) but it seems that it don't get found

JBoss 7 startup fails

get the following error in pom.xml. The sesction involved is: <plugin ... ; <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId>     <version>1 ... ;/plugin> The error message is: Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle

problems with OEM license/enhancing

class="stacktrace"> ... <build> <pluginManagement> ... <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin< ... ; </executions> </plugin> ...   After creating


.createEntityManagerFactory(Unknown Source)....."  I have wrapped the objectdb.jar in a plugin ... is the plugin wrapped objectDb runtime. cmahony Craig Mahony It seems that currently ObjectDB has to be embedded in the plugin and trying to use it as a separate bundle fails.

Maven driven compile time ehnancement

>  <build>   <plugins>    <plugin> ... ;artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId>     <version>1.2</version> ... >     </configuration>    </plugin> Then, in

package not found running ObjectDB under OSGi

Hi I have created in Eclipse a new plugin from existing jar file ... my primary plugin as Exported during Runtime. So what is wrong ?? Do you really use ... ">this restriction regarding using ObjectDB in an Eclipse plugin. support Support

Remove an entity which attributes were changed

We use an OSGi environment and we have three OSGi plugins.   In plugin A an entity is loaded and the entity is passed to plugin B. Plugin B changes an attribute on the entity. Plugin C removes the entity from the database.

ObjectDB BIRT Driver Update

> There is a report of an exception on attempt to update the ObjectDB BIRT plugin in an existing ... server versions, and maybe also help with updating the plugin in an existing Eclipse workspace.  ... _workspace_birt\.metadata\.plugins\\db\

Schema-Update: Deactivation of automatic entity class removing and introduction of a new class remove in the schema config

other words with more or less PlugIns). This presents us with further challenges ... we plan to extends our application via plugins and then we will get problems with our update concept, because it would be a very big effort to recognize data of plugins in the ProfileMigration