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Order" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">javax.persistence.criteria.Order Return the expression that is used for ordering.

Index Definition

. If x is specified first, the BTree is ordered by x values, so a range scan ... is ordered by y values, so a full BTree scan is required to find all the objects ... class="pre-query"> SELECT MIN(p.x) FROM Point p WHERE p.x < p.y ORDER BY p.y In

Criteria Query Selection and Results

 for more details and examples. ORDER BY Clause Elements Elements in the ORDER BY clause are represented by the Order interface: order_by_in_criteria_queries">ORDER BY in Criteria Queries section for more details

Database Explorer

] and the [Hidden Fields] lists. You can change the order of the fields shown by using the Up and Down arrow buttons or the [Field Ordering] combo box. A view for a class can also be set by right clicking ... a path to it has to be specified. Alternatively, you can run the Explorer by double

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

class="pre-query"> SELECT ... FROM ... [WHERE ...] [GROUP BY ... [HAVING ...]] [ORDER BY ... _with_having">HAVING and order">ORDER BY are optional. order#order_by_in_criteria_queries">Criteria ORDER BY (

JPA Criteria API Queries

_by_in_criteria_queries">ORDER BY clause (by the instantiation ... either by the EntityManagerFactory's

ObjectDB Object Database Features

). order">ORDER BY (including ASC, DESC ... are also supported by ObjectDB. The combination of Object Database features with Relational Database features ... per database file. Unlimited database connections (limited only by operating


Element Order" title="Annotation in javax.jdo.annotations">javax.jdo.annotations.OrderString mappedBy ordering field or property for this member. Return the name of the field or property in the target

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

a metadata file. The metadata is used first by the JDO Enhancer, and later by the JDO ... metadata description of each class in several .jdo files in a pre defined order. If a metadata ... ), whose class file is a/b/X.class, is searched in the following paths (in the order

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

An ObjectDB server can manage one or more databases. Databases that are managed by a server can be accessed by multiple processes simultaneously. In addition, the server supports accessing these databases from remote machines by TCP/IP. More details about client server mode vs. embedded