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">Order" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">javax.persistence.criteria.Order Return the expression that is used for ordering. Returns:

Index Definition

sort key. If x is specified first, the BTree is ordered by x values ... first, the BTree is ordered by y values, so a full BTree scan is required to find ... uses the lexicographic order of the words and is not ordered by the length of the words.

Criteria Query Selection and Results

The JPA Criteria API interfaces in this group are used for setting the SELECT and ORDER BY ... _queries">SELECT in Criteria Queries section for more details and examples. ORDER BY Clause Elements Elements in the ORDER BY clause are represented by the Order interface

Database Explorer

. The order of elements in an ordered collection can be modified by using the Edit > ... the [Shown Fields] and the [Hidden Fields] lists. You can change the order of the fields shown by using ... , you can run the Explorer by double clicking explorer.jar or by running explorer.exe

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

... [WHERE ...] [GROUP BY ... [HAVING ...]] [ORDER BY ...] The first two clauses ... ="/java/jpa/query/jpql/order">ORDER BY are optional. The structure of JPQL , ...). order#order_by_in_criteria_queries">Criteria

JPA Criteria API Queries

, ...). order#order_by_in_criteria_queries">ORDER BY clause ... criteria queries, on the other hand, are defined by the instantiation of Java objects that represent ... . It can be obtained either by the EntityManagerFactory

Collation and String Order

will affect the way strings are sorted in queries (with ORDER BY). Currently strings are always ordered by Unicode order, and a workaround that enables controlling the order is to use ... and other systems requires correct collation when using order by clause.  +1 for this ... dmarko David Marko


="context">Order" title="Annotation in javax.jdo.annotations">javax.jdo.annotations.OrderString mappedBy Name of a field or property in the target class that acts as the ordering field or property for this member

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

file. The metadata is used first by the JDO Enhancer, and later by the JDO ... of each class in several .jdo files in a pre defined order. If a metadata description is found ... /X.class, is searched in the following paths (in the order shown): META-INF

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

An ObjectDB server can manage one or more databases. Databases that are managed by a server can be accessed by multiple processes simultaneously. In addition, the server supports accessing these databases from remote machines by TCP/IP. More details about client server mode vs. embedded database