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Date and Time in JPQL and Criteria Queries

such functions as an extension. ObjectDB supports 6 functions for extracting the YEAR , MONTH , DAY , HOUR , MINUTE and SECOND . For example: YEAR ({d '2011-12-31'}) is evaluated to 2011 . MONTH({d ... method, as follow: // Create expressions that extract date parts:    Expression year = cb

Eclipse Public License - v 1.0

to this Agreement will bring a legal action under this Agreement more than one year after the cause of action

ObjectDB Object Database Features

profiling sessions). Unique data structures and algorithms (as a result of years of R&D). Outperforms

TemporalType injection with Calendar using JPA

=3600000,endTimeMode=2]],firstDayOfWeek=2,minimalDaysInFirstWeek=4,ERA=1, YEAR =2011,MONTH=4,WEEK_OF_ YEAR =22,WEEK_OF_MONTH=5,DAY_OF_MONTH=30,DAY_OF_ YEAR =150,DAY_OF_WEEK=2,DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH=5,AM_PM=1,HOUR=7 ... ,minimalDaysInFirstWeek=4,ERA=1, YEAR =2011,MONTH=4,WEEK_OF_ YEAR =22,WEEK_OF_MONTH=5,DAY_OF_MONTH=30,DAY_OF_ YEAR =150

Group by date / time

Hi, I'm trying to create reporting query that will return entities grouped by year / mont / day. Each entity has it's own field that holds java.lang.Date. There is no function like YEAR (), MONTH ... WHERE YEAR (record_date) = 2009 GROUP BY YEAR (record_date), MONTH(record_date) or maybe

Should I use ObjectDB and JDO?

years old and don't cover annotations.  Is JDO and object databases (and therefore ObjectDB ... than JDO's. JPA turned out to be the right choice for me. I have about 10 years of development experience with GemStone S, moderate experience playing with db4o, and now several years with Objectdb. I

General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

.getDays()); if (getAgeYears() 12) { setAge(period.getYears() + " years ."); } else if (getAgeYears() 0) { setAge(period.getYears() + " years and " + period.getMonths() + " months."); } else { setAge ... and please note that I have been following these documents for about 7 years now. You do not try

ObjectDB future

Hi, For how long ObjectDB will exist and will be actively maintained? Will it still be there in 10 years ? In 20 years ? Thanks. randomguy Anton Yes, ObjectDB is an active project and will probably be here in the next 10, 20 and 50 years . Your question is fair because the ODBMS market in general

Grouping by date()

(from documentation): YEAR ({d '2011-12-31'}) is evaluated to 2011. MONTH({d '2011-12-31 ... have to group by date(). For few queries I was concatenating 'date' from year ()-month()-day() calls ...  in queries: DATE(ts) - Extracts the date part ( year , month, day) as a Date instance. TIME(ts


Hi I haven't used objectdb for 2 years and are considering to use it in a new project. Are there any news on objectdb 3.0, I have noticed there are no new releases for more than a year . Best regards peric.emil Emil Perić Actually there were several releases in the last year (including version 2.8

ObjectDB and Spring Boot - sharing a simple working example

findAllByBirthDateYear ( int year );      @Query ( " Select p from Person p WHERE YEAR ( p . birthDate ) = : year " ) } In order to avoid the need to configure RDBMS in application

Failed to read the value of field using reflection (error 363)

am perplexed as I have use JPA and ObjectDB for years now. I could use your assistance in ... that has already been fixed. The stack trace is produced by ObjectDB 2.3.7, which is 2 years old now, and many issues have been fixed in the last 2 years . Please try switching to the last ObjectDB version

Mismatch client-server protocol prefix

;   } This code worked for a couple of years now and is used in multiple projects. mosi0815 ... this method for over 3 years now. It's from the early days of our software when we used MySQL

JRebel integration feature

.' The JRebel technology is helping to save me months of development time per year , and it helps avoid ... , for the first time in years (I had tried JRebel many times before but the clashes with ObjectDB

Great product - needs better marketing - more popularity

on ObjectDB since the beginning of this year , but I think it would be much better if your db ... , and with relational and object DBMSs for over thirty years . I'm currently building foundation

after upgrade to 2.9.0 database destroys, urgent issue at our most important customer, production shutdown

the engine that manages the database storage, at least in the last 2 years , so there is nothing in version 2 ... for years , the hope was that switching to 2.8 solves these problems (that was an advise of objectdb

Homepage and forum nearly inaccessible

, and it has been like that for 1 year , since I started using ObjectDB. I'm also accessing from Europe, and many ... (and we tried several different providers, including Amazon, in the last year ) hasn't solved

Getting sales quantity per country with a query, an idea anyone?

. YEAR ), to.get(Calendar.MONTH), 1);         if (to.after(now ... ;     from.set(from.get(Calendar. YEAR ), from.get(Calendar.MONTH), 1);   

How to move @Embedable collection to a dedicated entity class?

Hello I am using embedded objectdb in a 4  years old project. Over the years the data got bigger and now I want to make some performce improvements for some specific part of the code. Lets say we have a Parent and Child class with onetomany relation @Entity class Parent { @Id Long id

Pessimistic Lock Timeouts setting

assured, my prototype app (Stale as of july last year due to work commitments) has never seen the issue

IDs of Entities suddenly became UUIDs?

Hi, We're having our system with ObjectDB 2.4.5 in production since this year April and it works just fine. However, now we've discovered that suddenly partial Objects in some DBs in production do have a UUID String as their id instead of Long which is of course causing a lot of troubles. Note

Incremental online backup

incremental backup later this year . support Support Great news. Does this plan also include

ObjectDB stability after power failure

I'm considering using ObjectDB in a system that is going to be running continuously without support instantly available for many years .  How stable is ObjectDB when it comes to power failures and unattended restarts?  Is database integrity maintained during such events?  I have seen

java.sql.Date equals comparison not working with CriteriaAPI

; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();         cal.set(Calendar. YEAR

Date field Index is corrupted due to time change

;  calendar.set(Calendar. YEAR , 1970);         calendar.set

Cannot connect with client

they are, since the update of that version was from last year .  How do I find out exact I'm running

Excellent support

After years of evaluation and development using objectdb, we are finally about to release a product.  There have been bugs to deal with, but we have stayed with objectdb because it is as fast as it promises, and the support when we have had problems has been first class.  Thanks

Future JDO versions?

Steve Zara Development of JDO in the recent years is slow, and there are only a few JDO features

Composite index support collection

requests and currently costs £2,400/ year . support Support

Performance of "InsertTest"

You provided the "InsertTest" in the following post, and say "On Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (and enhancement) it persists 340,000 objects per second". Insertion Speed Rate and Batch Load Now, ten years later, I run it on Intel Core i5-5300U (2.3Ghz) with 8GB memory, output is 45000 per second

URGENCY, or in query does not report any objects on first operand having no results

? support Support it does not happen with 2.7 (it was working for years ) 2.8.9 not checked


Ran into this error for the first time (after many years of using odb): Caused by: com.objectdb.o._OptimisticLockException: Optimistic lock failed for object model.UserSession#28 (object has version 2 instead of 3) Also the first time I'm using odb in C/S mode rather than embedded


would have thought that would be done automatically. Having used objectdb for nearly 10 years now, all in

Getting java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

don't know why). You are using version 1.0.3 which is almost 7 years old. Many bugs have been fixed

object creation during pmf.getPersistenceManager()

legacy, developed by two handred people by sevral years so i and my friend engaged in that rescue

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

datastore i.e. about 600ms rather than 3 seconds (on a 4 years old i3 based computer). We also tried

Is there an update on running ObjectDB purely in-memory?

Hi, I know that this has been asked, but the last time seems to be two years ago, so I'd like to know whether there is a change or an outlook regarding the topic: Is it possible, or planned, to run ObjectDB purely in-memory, without a any file on disk? Note that "file on RAM disk

Attempt to refresh a non managed entity object (error 635)

Just ran into a problem that I've not seen in 10 years of running ObjectDb: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Attempt to refresh a non managed entity object (error 635) Nothing changed in my code, but I'm wondering if there is a problem with the config file, and /or my recent experiments

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

four lines of code prepare a Date instance representing the first day of the year 2000. The query

Negative snapshot user count exception

time (I think 2 years ?) without these issues, two possible factors may be relevant: Your move from ... .3.x would be a problem because development work I did this year relies on fixes and enhancements ... snapshot user count" report ( issue #556 ) was fixed 2 years ago. Possibly this is another bug

Inverse OneToMany Mapping and EmbeddedId

;   int platformSensor;     short year ;     byte month;   ... .id. year ,,,, v.value from PlatformSensor ps, Value v where like ?1 and and year =?2 and and  

ObjectDB 2 JDO Manual

a university course on database technology. Last year we used odb104fe, and I was happy ... to me who have used Object databases for many years who are being lost due to a lack of JDO ... the ObjectDB product and company as a possible best and excellent solution to my persistence needs for at least the next five years . AlphaOne Ron Brennan

Bug when using SIZE in combination with date lower parameter

parameter used in both queries is obviously not the same. For the first query it is 1 year in the future, for the second query 1 year in the past. Otherwise there would be no bug. My provided test case

reading from table gives Unexpected exception

the problem. Note, however, that many issues have been fixed since version 2.6.3 (which is more than 3 years

Why does ObjectDB duplicate classes from javax.jdo:jdo-api?

the objectdb.jar file. When ObjectDB 2.0 was released many years ago, one appealing point

Sometimes the ObjectDB throws an internal expeption if a persist() was executed

for this case? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Hello, the BUG status is active since one year . But its not

each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other

would not need a change of the data model Yes, that makes sense. We will send you an invoice for one year

Unexpected error when loading all entity instance

. This is probably the most critical bug in ObjectDB in the recent years . Thank you very much for your report and for your help in reproducing the situation. support Support

Error whilst running

is more than two years old.     support Support This report seems to be related to issue

Internal error

an IoT device.  It has to be able to run for months if not years without maintenance. I hope